Welcome to ClassDo Now Use the Study Guide on page 472 to answer the following questions. 1.How do living things get energy from the sun? 2.What Processes.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to ClassDo Now Use the Study Guide on page 472 to answer the following questions. 1.How do living things get energy from the sun? 2.What Processes Are involved in the Water Cycle? 3.How do living systems conserve matter and energy? 4.How do energy and matter move through ecosystems? 5.Only plants can make their own food. What process do organisms use to break down sugar and release energy? * Write the Q & A or answer with complete sentences. Light Energy is captured by plants and converted to chemical energy through photosynthesis. The water cycle uses the processes of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Matter and energy are conserved through the process of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Producers, consumers, and decomposers all play roles in recycling carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen in an ecosystem. Cellular respiration breaks down glucose and other molecules from food converting it to usable energy.

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