Anaphylaxis: Life threatening allergic reactions The administration of Epinephrine Auto Injectors Presenter-Teresa Cohn RN, Licensed School Nurse Osseo Area Schools February 17, 2016
Allergic Reaction An allergic reaction is a state of altered reactivity in which the body reacts with an exaggerated immune response to a foreign agent. Most allergic reactions are not life-threatening with mild symptoms such as nasal drainage & congestion, sneezing and rash. Anaphylaxis is a severe life-threatening allergic reaction that can affect the skin, stomach, lungs, heart, throat, & mouth. A reaction maybe delayed as much as 2 hours or more after an exposure.
Signs and Symptoms of an Anaphylaxis Allergic Reaction SEVERE SYMPTOMS : For any of the following give Epinephrine Other : Uncomfortable, fearful, sense that something is wrong. Lungs : Shortness of breath, wheeze and repetitive cough Heart : Pale, blue, faint weak pulse, dizzy and/or passed out Mouth : significant swelling of the tongue and or lips Throa t: tight, trouble breathing or swallowing, hoarseness Skin : many hives over body widespread redness Gut : Abdominal cramps, nausea, repetitive vomiting and sudden severe diarrhea
Signs and Symptoms of an Anaphylaxis Allergic Reaction MILD SYMPTOMS : If has more than one mild symptom give Epinephrine: Nose : itchy/runny nose and sneezing Mouth : itchy mouth Skin : a few hives, mild itch Gut : mild nausea and discomfort
Sample Emergency Care Plan Highlighted areas : What allergy is. What bus driver instructions are. Student’s name What medication is available. Defines severe and mild reaction & what to do.
Sample Emergency Care plan page 2 Call 911 & parents. Note time & tell 911 that epinephrine was given & to send an ambulance with epinephrine Treat student even if parents are not reached Consider having student lay down with feet raised A second dose of epinephrine sometimes is given 5 minutes or more after the first if symptoms persist of recur. Rebound effects occur in 20% of individuals. Directions for 3 different manufactures of Epinephrine auto injectors: Epi-Pen, Adrenaclick and the Auvi-Q Give the used epinephrine auto-injector to paramedics
Allergic reaction to peanut butter When in doubt give the shot, waiting can be lethal. Experts recommend using epinephrine early if a person known to be at risk of anaphylaxis begins to show signs of allergy symptoms – don’t wait until the symptoms worsen, as it may become to difficult put a halt to the reaction once it’s in progress. Giving a dose of epinephrine will not harm you if having a true reaction. Giving epinephrine will possibly save someone's life. The Good Samaritan Law will cover you if in good faith you believe the child was experiencing an anaphylaxis type reaction and you administered the medication.
Types of Auto-Injectors
How to use an Epi-pen on someone else It Could Save A Life
Trainer Demonstration Any Questions or comments?