29 CFR Subpart G Related Terminal Operations and Equipment
29 CFR Subpart G Spray painting
(a) – Spray Painting Scope: Covers painting operations connected with maintenance of structures, equipment and gear at a marine terminal. Does not apply to overall painting of terminal structures under construction, major repair, or rebuilding of terminal structures.
(b)(1) – Spray Painting Spraying area - Any area where flammable vapors, mists or combustible residues, dust or deposits may be present due to paint spraying operations. Spray Booth - An enclosure containing a flammable or combustible spraying operation and confining and limiting the escape of paint, vapor and residue by means of a powered exhaust system. Approved - The equipment has been approved for the specified use by a nationally recognized testing laboratory.
(b)(3) – Spray Painting Equipment “approved” will have the label permanently affixed to the equipment.
(c)(1) – Spray Painting Shut-off valves, containers or piping with attached hoses or flexible connections -Must have shut-off valves closed when not in use.
(c)(4)(iii) – Spray Painting Where combustible residues may accumulate on electrical installations - Wiring must be in rigid conduit or in boxes containing no taps, splices, or connections.
(c)(4)(iv) – Spray Painting Portable electric lights must not be used at any time during spraying operations. Lights used during cleaning or repairing operations must be approved for the location.
(c)(6)(i) – Spray Painting Spraying must be performed only in designated, approved spray booths or spraying areas.
(c)(6)(ii)&(iii) - Spray Painting Spraying areas must be kept free from combustible residue accumulation as practicable. Residue scrapings, debris, rags, and waste must be removed from the spraying area as they accumulate.
(c)(7) – Spray Painting Spraying with organic peroxides and other dual- component coatings must only be conducted in sprinkler-equipped spray booths.
(c)(8) – Spray Painting Only the quantity of flammable or combustible liquids required for the operation must be allowed in the spraying area. Must not exceed one-day supply.
(c)(9) – Spray Painting Smoking must be prohibited and “No Smoking” signs posted in spraying and paint storage areas.
(d)(5) – Spray Painting Spraying areas must be mechanically ventilated for removal of flammable and combustible vapor and mist.
(d)(6) – Spray Painting Mechanical ventilation must be in operation during spraying operations and long enough thereafter to exhaust hazardous vapor concentrations.
(d)(7) – Spray Painting Rotating fan elements must be non-sparking or the casing must consist of or be lined with non-sparking material.
(d)(9) – Spray Painting Air exhausted from spray operations must not contaminated makeup air or other ventilation intakes.
(d)(12) – Spray Painting Wiring, motors and equipment in a spray booth must be of approved explosion-proof type for Class I, Group D locations. Equipment within 20 ft. and not separated by vapor-tight partitions must comply with Subpart S of Part 1910, for Class I, Division 2, Hazardous Locations.
(e)(3) – Spray Painting A space of at least 3 ft. on all sides of the spray booth must be maintained free of storage or combustible materials. 3 Feet
(e)(4) – Spray Painting Metal parts of spray booths, exhaust ducts, piping and airless high- pressure spray guns and conductive objects being sprayed must be grounded.
(e)(5)&(6) – Spray Painting Electric motors driving exhaust fans must not be located inside booths or ducts. Belts must not enter ducts or booths unless the belts are completely enclosed.
Some Examples of Poor Spray Booth Operations.
Storage within 3 foot required spacing distance (e)(2)
No cover plates to prevent arcing (g)(2) (c)(4)(i)(iii)
Storage and a refrigerator within 3 foot required spacing distance (e)(2)
Unapproved power source inside paint spray booth (d)(12)
Storage and a refrigerator within 3 foot required spacing distance (e)(2)
Improper use of extension cords and power strips (b)(2) (g)
Improper use of extension cords and power strips/outer skin of spray booth (b)(2) (g) (c)(4)(i)(iii)
Improper use of extension cords and power strips/outer skin of spray booth (b)(2) (g) (c)(4)(i)(iii) Direction into booth
Non class I group D explosive proof fan motor/radio speakers/no smoking signs General housekeeping (d)(7)(12) (e)(5) (c)(9)
Broken sealant lens (protector) inside spray booth (12)(13)