NUMBER AND OPERATION SENSE identify irrational numbers and how we use them understand how the system of real numbers works and use real numbers in problems solve square root problems understand and apply the laws of exponents solve problems involving numbers written in scientific notation investigate the use of a matrix solve problems involving the matrix operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication of a matrix by a number
ALGEBRA AND PATTERNS represent patterns and relations in graphs, diagrams, tables, and equations and use these to predict unknown values interpret graphs of linear and non-linear equations construct tables and graphs to show how related quantities affect each other determine equations of lines and sketch graphs of equations explain the connections among tables, diagrams, graphs, and equations solve and check algebraically single-variable equations and inequalities graph and give the algebraic solution set for equations and inequalities solve and create problems involving linear equations and inequalities use manipulatives, diagrams, and symbols to add, subtract, multiply, and divide algebraic expressions evaluate polynomial expressions use manipulatives, symbols, and the area model to factor algebraic expressions apply mathematical properties when solving algebraic equations
GEOMETRY AND MEASUREMENT apply the properties of translations, reflections, rotations, and dilatations on a coordinate plane determine the minimum sufficient conditions to guarantee a translation, a reflection, and a 180° rotation determine the minimum sufficient conditions to guarantee the similarity of two triangles explore the circle and its properties extend work on platonic solids to include duality, dihedral angles, and symmetry explore problem solving using three-dimensional figures solve measurement problems involving conversion among metric units relate the volumes of pyramids and cones to the volumes of corresponding prisms and cylinders estimate, measure, and calculate dimensions, volumes, and surface areas of pyramids, cones, and spheres in problem situations
DATA MANAGEMENT AND PROBABILITY interpret scatterplots sketch lines of best fit and determine their equations sketch curves of best fit display data using the most appropriate method make predictions based on data analysis and data displays evaluate interpretations of data displays demonstrate an understanding of how experimental and theoretical probabilities are related conduct experiments that involve dependent and independent events to make probability predictions determine theoretical probability of independent and dependent events recognize and explain why decisions based on probabilities may be combinations of theoretical calculations, experimental results, and subjective judgments