Created by BM|DESIGN|ER Besmark private UMTS private smartphone business UMTS business smartphones mobile service provider (operator)
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs HR consultants agencies web APPS developers mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS services Web App services Social networking B- services Special offers / service integration CUSTOMERS company gsm user mobile operator individual gsm user company smarphones user individual smartphone users KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the social network off line events / coaching new APPS commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services web ads.COM certification
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS services CUSTOMERS individual gsm user company smarphones user individual smartphone users KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the social network off line events / coaching commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic On payment services
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs HR consultants agencies web APPS developers mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS services Web App services Social networking B- services CUSTOMERS company smarphones user individual smartphone users KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the social network off line events / coaching new APPS commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS services CUSTOMERS company gsm user company smarphones user KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the social network off line events / coaching commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic On payment services web ads.COM certification
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) ICT mfg web advs HR consultants agencies web APPS developers mkting agency 2.0 enterprises VALUE PROPOSITION UMTS services Web App services Social networking B- services CUSTOMERS company gsm user company smarphones user KEY ACTIVITIES work out reports on demand exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect part of the social network off line events / coaching new APPS commercial tips vs trust platform free services (private/biz) KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS web/mobile/paper ads viral marketing Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) CRM / front end R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services web ads.COM certification
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS mobile service provider (operator) web advs mkting agency VALUE PROPOSITION Special offers / service integration CUSTOMERS company gsm user mobile operator KEY ACTIVITIES exchange input-output with users promote the service / add users add innovative 2.0 services develop solution for productive connectivity integrate innovative mobile/web services RELATIONSHIPS private infos respect new APPS KEY RESOURCES UMTS applied tech solution people involved competences concept ICT partners connections DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS Business sales network value network 33 Ltd mobile phones retail network COST STRUCTURE marketing application (production) back office (customer service) R&D services, utilities, apps REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING SMS, voice traffic data traffic Pro APPS customized APPS On payment services web ads.COM certification