NanoRacks Modules Ops Summary Inc. 29/30 8/18/2011POC: Andrea Nourse
Prerequisites: This Ops Summary details the unique contents and requirements of each Cube Lab or NanoRacks Module and will be updated with each flight. Student should review the Cube Lab Phase III CBT as a prerequisite to this Ops Summary – All permanent onboard hardware and operations information is covered in the CBT. Payload History: This payload was originally flown as "Cube Lab". The payload name has been changed to "NanoRacks". Hardware that was already onboard will remain labeled Cube Lab. Module Description: A standard [single] Cube Lab or NanoRacks Module is 10cm x 10cm x 10cm, and a mass of no more than 1kg (2-Cube units and 4-Cube units are also flown regularly). The modules interface to the Cube Lab Frame via a 'Type B' USB port. Individual Modules may be powered or unpowered, each housing individual experiments. Anything approved for transport to ISS can be incorporated into a Module, representing any/all fields of science. Single Cube Unit2- Cube Unit 8/18/2011POC: Andrea Nourse
Inc. 29/30 Module Contents & Requirements: Some Modules are designed for minimal crew interface; a simple "plug-and-play," with no interface besides installation in a Cube Lab Frame. Other Modules may require some form of "activation" and "deactivation" by the crew before being installed in a Cube Lab Frame - in these instances, unique procedures are being developed. FlightModuleContentsRequirementsReturn ULF7NanoRacks Module-17 Module-17 contains two Apple Smartphones which are Apple iPhone 4s. The iPhones will be running an experimental app called SpaceLab for iOS, designed by Odyssey Space. NanoRacks Smartphone will run 4 experiments: o Limb Tracker: This navigation experiment will involve taking photographs of the Earth and matching an arc to the horizon through manipulation of an overlay. This performs the function roughly equivalent to a “manual” horizon sensor. It will yield an estimate of altitude and “off axis” angle. o Sensor Cal: This sensor calibration experiment uses a series of photos of a reference image, combined with propagated information using three-axis gyro and accelerometer measurements to calibrate the gyros and the accelerometers o State Acq: This navigation experiment uses a series of photos of a reference image and of the Earth, combined with information from the three- axis gyro and accelerometer, to estimate the position of the spacecraft (latitude and longitude). o Lifecycle Flight Instrumentation (LFI): This experiment will characterize the effects of radiation on the device by monitoring certain areas of memory for Single Bit Upsets. Crew: Perform experiment protocol and conduct each experiment. Power: Each iPhone4 uses four AAA batteries Tox Level: None [standard alkali batteries] Other: None 28S 8/18/2011POC: Andrea Nourse
FlightModuleContentsRequirementsReturn 45PNanoRacks Module-9 (S/N 1002)/(S/N 1003) Module-9 is a 2-Cube unit consisting of twenty four (24) Fluid Mixing Tubes housed in an aluminum box. Mixing tubes must be activated within 2 weeks of 45P docking. Crew will activate Mixing Tubes by flexing the tube to break the inner-most tube and shake to mix chemicals (like a glow stick). Hardware design incorporates three levels of containment for each Mixing Tube. Once activated, Module is stowed and nanocrystals will grow from the chemical mixture Crew: Open module, activate Mixing Tubes. Notify POIC of GMT:hh:mm of activation. Power: None; Stowed in unpowered Frame Tox-Level: Varies. Each mixing tube is designed with three levels of containment Other: None 27S(1002) 30S (1003) 45PNanoRacks Module-12 Module-12 is 2-Cube Unit containing NanoRacks Microscope-2 Microscope-2 will remain onboard as permanent NanoRacks hardware – see the Phase III CBT for all permanent hardware. Crew: Checkout; Standard Microscope-2 Ops; Data transfer via USB cable to laptop Power: 2AAA batteries Tox Level: None Other: None Permanent Hardware 29SNanoRacks Module-14 Module-14 contains two Data Storage Units (one is a modified Kindle, the other is a modified Samsung phone). Each Data Storage Unit is pre-loaded with an auto- run software application. The crew will initiate the auto-run, which will monitor various hardware functions and generate data files for downlink before being powered off Crew: Activation, Initiate software auto- routine, Data Transfer to ELC immediately before Deactivation Power: USB Adaptor to utilize Platform-2 power Tox-Level: None Other: None TBD 29SNanoRacks Module-15 (S/N 1001)/(S/N 1002) Module-15 (1001 and 1002) is a standard 2-Cube Unit aluminum Module containing five NanoRacks Crystal Microplates (ten total). The Crystal Microplates are rectangular metal trays with 96 small specimen growth wells in each tray. The crew will remove the protective film, and the air- permeable Gortex layer will allow for crystal growth within each well. After ambient exposure, the Crystal Microplates will be analyzed with the NanoRacks Microscope-2. Crew: Remove film from the top of each tray to activate, take a microscopic reading of each specimen well. Power: None Tox Level: Unknown [Safety review is in- work] Other: None Trashed after use Inc. 29/30 Module Contents & Requirements, Con’t. 8/18/2011POC: Andrea Nourse
Additional Information Flight/Manifest information is subject to change. The Phase III CBT* should be referenced for all permanent NanoRacks hardware: – NanoRacks Platform-1 & 2 [Cube Lab Frame 1002 & 1002] – NanoRacks Microscople-1 [Cube Lab Module-5] – NanoRacks Microscope-2 [NanoRacks Module-12] *Phase III CBT Updates for transition from “Cube Lab” to “NanoRacks” are currently in-work per the implementation plan. Acronyms ELCEXPRESS Laptop Computer LFILifecycle Flight Instrumentation iOSApple® Operating System SpXSpace-X USBUniversal Serial Bus 8/18/2011POC: Andrea Nourse