What Does Implementing the Common Core Mean to YOU?
How is your classroom shifting? Learning Targets Tiered Instruction and Lessons Differentiated instruction-scaffolding, tiered, project menus, selected resources for students and products from students What strategies do you use to engage students in conversations about mathematics? Examining student work Formative Assessment Re-engagement strategies Balanced assessments with formative and summative assessments Creating or Using SBAC Like Assessments
What is happening in your buildings/districts to: Develop a deeper understanding of the CCSS-M at each respective grade level Vertically align curriculum grades K-5 Become familiar with the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) required by the CCSS-M Understand how DOK impacts instructional planning and delivery to achieve mastery of the content Develop a curriculum, instruction, assessment plan for the school year and beyond 6/14/2016
What Initiatives are Occurring in Your Buildings/Districts?
What are Your Goals for the 3 Sessions?
Review of Year One Sessions Curriculum and Instruction Session 1: Instructional Shifts Session 2: Student Goal Setting Session 3: Tiered Lesson Design Assessment Session 4: Formative Assessment Tasks Session 5: SBAC Assessments Session 6: Planning for Professional Development and Showcase of Work
Overarching Question: How do formative and summative assessment practices in the classroom impact student achievement?
Focus Questions: How have assessment practices changed over the years? How does the use of balanced assessment allow all students to meet the standards? How does the use of research based formative assessment improve mathematics instruction? How does knowing the standards help us to construct sound summative assessments? 1. Determine the purpose for assessing 2. Determine the standards or learning targets to be assessed 3. Select the assessment methods appropriate to learning targets and assessment purpose(s) 4. Design a test plan or blueprint that will permit confident conclusions about achievement 5. Select or construct the necessary assessment items and scoring tools where needed
Goals for Today: Refresh our memories on resources available to design best practice instruction and assessments (Formative and/or summative) Develop a clear understanding of the appropriate uses of assessment Design assessment that will be used between today and March 25 in our classrooms
How Has Assessment Changed Since You Became a Teacher?
RESOURCES Web Resources Moodle Shiawassee Moodle Mathematics Mathematics Common Core Leadership…..
SBAC Practice Tests Take the training test for your grade DO NOT END (Submit) the test When you reach the end arrow back and choose an item you would like to share with the group that surprised you. What was your thinking around this item in regards to classroom instruction and assessment
What Changes in Instruction/Assessment Will Need to Occur in Classrooms/Buildings/Districts
What is Balanced Assessment? The term "balanced assessment" refers to the strategic use of formative, interim, and summative measures of student performance in a way that addresses immediate student needs, informs ongoing instructional adjustments, and guides long-term educational improvement. A balanced approach to assessment recognizes both the strengths and limitations of the various assessment types and highlights the most relevant assessment data to address student learning needs, improve instruction, and increase accountability at all levels within an educational system. A balanced assessment system is a synthesis of interacting quality assessments and assessment methods that inform instruction, enhance student learning and engagement, and guide continuous educational improvement. These assessments align to rigorous and relevant learning outcomes, provide essential student performance data that is both valid and reliable, and support all stakeholders in taking ownership of monitoring student progress and ensuring academic success.
Instruction to Ensure Student Learning Know the learning progression: Where have students been and where are they going Have a plan for delivering the instruction: How will I meet the needs of my students and progress their learning? Formative Assessment: Checkpoints for learning along the way – Instructional adjustments Summative Assessment: Final assessment of learning – a chance for students to show that they have mastered the content
Work for Today: Develop a lesson to teach before March 25: Focus on the Mathematical Practices Use a rich mathematical task Design or use a Re-engagement Formative Assessment Task Incorporate: Learning Targets TTLP – Questioning, Re-engaging students to deepen learning Intentional use of Assessment BRING STUDENT WORK!
Rich Tasks Resources – – Search CASM or GISD MAISA Units - Inside Mathematics - content-standards content-standards NCSM Great Tasks Illustrative Mathematics MAP Tasks (6-12) -
Suggested Moodle Resources: Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol Talk Moves Karen Bailey Presentation on Learning Targets Depth of Knowledge Draft Specification Documents Achievement Level Descriptors Major Work of Grades K-8 Year 2 Day 1 Materials
Next Session: March 26 Bring: Samples of Student Work From Your Assessment(s) PLEASE COMPLETE THE SESSION EVALUATION