Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT INVENTORY Provide clarity in response to public concerns about the amount and frequency of testing o Compile comprehensive list of assessments given across schools including duration, frequency, and use o Create overviews of required assessments by grade level Assist district leaders in taking stock of assessments and assessment strategy o Survey teachers and other staff to determine usefulness of assessment information/data
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow PURPOSE OF ASSESSMENT INVENTORY Lead to action to address areas of concern o Review both survey results and grade-level overviews to identify areas of concern o Identify assessments that are repetitive or less useful than others and replace or remove Achieve a cohesive, aligned, informative whole assessment system including layers of state, district, and school assessment
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow Standards Clear, consistent guidelines for what every student should know and be able to do in from Kindergarten through 12 th grade Ensure all students are ready for college and/or career success after high school STANDARDS, CURRICULUM, & ASSESSMENT
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow Curriculum & Instruction Means & materials students will use to gain the knowledge & skills they need to reach the standards What students do in class each day STANDARDS, CURRICULUM & ASSESSMENT STANDARDS
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow Assessment Measurement of a student’s progress toward a standard or group of standards STANDARDS, CURRICULUM, & ASSESSMENT STANDARDS CURRICULUM/ INSTRUCTION
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow Formative Informative – used before or during the learning process to identify what students already know & can do and what they still need to learn. Examples: Scholastic Reading Inventory STAR Reading Assessment Pre-tests ASSESSMENT TYPES
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow Summative Evaluative – measuring student learning at the end of a block of learning – this can be a lesson, unit, class or grade-level. Examples: Smarter & DCAS SAT Unit Test Quarterly Exam ASSESSMENT TYPES
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW
Educational excellence today for a changing tomorrow QUESTIONS? LaWanda Burgoyne District Assessment & School Improvement Specialist