Wall Street Voodoo The New York Times (Jan 18, 09) Paul Krugman on How to Deal with Troubled Financial Crisis
Financial crisis central bank release liquidity lenders mortgage subprime borrowers monthly payments hedge funds default (n., v.) go bankrupt The Federal Reserve
Paul Krugman Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences 2008 (analysis of trade patterns and location of economic activity)
Headings in Krugman’s text? 2 different rescue approaches “Voodoo” economics and troubled banks A middle solution? Real reason
Position of headings Voodoo economics and troubled banks (pgs. 1,2) 2 different rescue approaches (pg.3) A middle solution? (pgs.4-6) Real reason? (pgs.7-9)
Pg.1, 2 supply-side cult shrink bank regulators trillion assets & liabilities net worth fraction mortgage-backed securities go bust market capitalisation
Pg.3-9 solvent excessive risk- taking seize, seizure bad assets, bad debts reportedly (4) fair value (4) alleged (5) government takeover rescue plan