E XPORT -I MPORT B ANK of the U NITED S TATES E XPORT -I MPORT B ANK of the U NITED S TATES Jobs Through Exports Export-Import Bank Intro & Medium-Term Program Overview Xiomara Creque Regional Director Global Business Development Tues. July 27, 2010
Introduction to Export-Import Bank The Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank) is the U.S. government’s official export credit agency (ECA) Our mission is to assist finance the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets Since Ex-Im Bank’s founding in 1934, we have supported more than $400 billion in U.S. exports
Introduction (continued) Ex-Im Bank assumes credit and country risks the private sector may be unable or unwilling to accept without support Often, we help level the playing field for U.S. exporters by matching the financing other governments provide to their exporters Ex-Im Bank and its ECA counterparts are sometimes referred to as “lenders (or insurers) of last resort”
Total Worldwide Portfolio In fiscal year (Oct. 1-Sep. 30) 2009, we approved 2,891 transactions valued at $21billion, which supported an estimated $26.4 billion in U.S. exports to markets worldwide. Ex-Im Bank authorized $4.4 billion in direct support to U.S. small-businesses as primary exporters. There were 515 small-business first time users of Ex- Im Bank programs.
Total Worldwide Portfolio
Portfolio by Sector
Reasonable Assurance of Repayment We must always establish a reasonable assurance of repayment to approve a transaction A key element of this is the applicant performing its own due diligence prior to submitting a request – i.e. “Know Your Transaction” (KYT) ( Guidelines.pdf)
Financing Coverage Pre-Export Financing Post-Export Financing Working Capital Guarantees Insurance Guarantees Direct Loans
Medium-Term Program Covers new U.S.-made capital equipment and related services Enables intl. buyers to obtain loans from lenders Refurbished equipment, software, banking and legal fees, up to 30% in local costs may also be eligible Transactions eligible: < $10 million Max tenor: up to five (5) years Costs: one (1)-time flat “exposure” fee, which may be financed and (for guarantees) commitment fee of 0.125% p.a. that acrues 60 days post-approval Availability: refer to our Country Limitation Schedule (
Medium-Term Credit Standards (MTCS) Criteria when considering foreign buyers (borrowers): Minimum three (3)-year operating history Reliable financial statements Achieve certain financial ratios: Positive Operating Profit during last 2 years Positive Net Income during last 2 years Positive Cash-Flow-From-Operations (latest year) EBITDA/Debt Service > 150% Total Liabilities/Total Net Worth < 175% Ex-Im Bank Exposure/Total Net Worth < 40% (
Medium-Term Insurance and Guarantees U.S. Supplier EX-IM Foreign Buyer Bank (U.S. or Intl) Payment Goods & Services Loan Guarantee Financials
MT Program Repayment Terms Contract Price Max Tenor <$80,000 Two (2) years $80,000 to <$175,000 Three (3) yrs $175,000 to <$350,000 Four (4) yrs $350,000 to $10 million Five (5) yrs
Loan Guarantees MT guarantees cover commercial lenders against repayment risks on a foreign buyer’s debt obligation Guarantees commit full faith and credit of U.S. government Guaranteed loans are fully transferable (i.e. may be securitized) Offer protection of 100% on the principal and interest of 85% of commercial contract – foreign buyers are required to make 15% cash payment Guaranteed lenders have signed a Master Guarantee Agreement (MGA) with Ex-Im Bank These lenders offer foreign buyers fixed or floating rate loans – typically floating rate based on spread over 6-month USD LIBOR
Example of Insurance or Guarantee Finance Model* Net contract price $1,000,000 Cash payment ($150,000) Financed portion $850,000 Exposure 1.75% +$14,875 Total financed $864,875 * For direct loans, Commercial Interest Reference Rates (CIRR) –
Ex-Im Bank Exposure Fee Level of Country: (1-7)2 Percentage of Cover:100.0% Product: (MT Insurance = 2, Loan or Guarantee = 3)3 Repayment Period: (Years)5.00 Drawdown Period: (Months)6 Financed? (Y/N)Y Paid: Up Front (F) or As Drawn (D)D Exposure Fee Is: Transaction Risk Increment % 1.67 % 1.84 % 2.00 % 2.18 % 2.35 % 2.52 % (Political Only) (Sovereign) (Non-Sovereign >) Exposure Fee Calculator
Structured Finance Approach Can do medium or long-term repayment Use existing corporate balance sheet and add elements of traditional project finance Level of structuring tailored for each transaction For smaller projects this approach lowers transaction costs compared to traditional project finance
Environmental Exports Program Maximum OECD repayment term for Long-Term Loans and Guarantees of years after project completion. Repayment terms of years for renewable energy and water treatment projects!! Capitalization of interest during construction. Up to 15% local cost support within the U.S. scope of supply. RESULTS: Transactions approved under the Program grew from
Support for Renewable Energy Exports Ex-Im Bank often plays a critical early- stage role in helping small clean energy companies finance their operations. Powerlight, GT Solar, Evergreen Solar, and Southwest Windpower examples of companies that received early-stage financial support from Ex-Im Bank, and who went on to attract substantial equity investment.
Small Solar Power Project – Example Project: 1 MW solar power project in South Korea The key elements of the transaction: U.S. exporter: PowerLight Corporation, California Guaranteed lender: City National Bank, California Borrower: S&P Corporation – a private sector Korean company established to own and operate the Project Guarantors: 2 relatively small private sector Korean companies Ex-Im guaranteed loan amount: approx. $7.8 million Repayment Period: 15 years under EEP Source of Loan Repayment: revenue stream from local electricity retailer, corporate guarantees and security and collateral
How to Apply Preliminary/Final Commitment, application, Attachment G, plus a few items that are listed in “Attachment F: Project and Structured Finance”. Export Import Bank of the United States