Spanish 10-19 Ms. Wrigley. Rewards If you meet our goals for… Cell Phones (I don’t have to take anybody’s phone away), Do Now (everybody is ready at 2.


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Presentation transcript:

Spanish Ms. Wrigley

Rewards If you meet our goals for… Cell Phones (I don’t have to take anybody’s phone away), Do Now (everybody is ready at 2 mins and everyone finishes the Do Now in 5 mins), and Activities (everyone keeps the voice level expectations and finishes on time) then the class will earn points.

Rewards 3 points possible for class period. 6 points – 1 extra credit sticker (3 stickers = 1pt extra credit) 9 points – 2 song dance party in Spanish 15 points – cookies/nachos/donuts Points reset every 5 class periods.

Spanish 2 slides

SER Soy – Eres – Es – Son – Somos – You can add the pronouns (Yo, tú, ella, etc.) ex. Yo soy instead of Soy, but it is not strictly necessary in most cases.

IR + A + Infinitive (voy, vas, etc.) Going to… Voy a – Vas a – Va a – Van a – Vamos a –

1.Mi hermana ____________ baja. 2.Juan y yo ______________ amigos. 3.Tú ________________ americana, ¿no? 4.Linda, Carlos, y Julia _________________ aregentinos. 5.Yo _________________ divertido. 6.Ella ________________ una chica aburrida. 7.¿Cómo _______________ tu? 8.¿Quién _______________ la maestra de español? 9.Lola _________________ muy simpática y divertida. 10.Mis padres ________________ morenos.

Translate these sentences: I am going to dance. We are going to sing. We are fun. They are going to dance. You are going to eat. You are tall. He is going to sing. She is artistic. She is going to dance.

Listening Listen to the clip and draw pictures of the foods that are mentioned.

Speaking ¿Te gusta comer…? – Do you like to eat…? ¿Te gusta beber…? – Do you like to drink…? Go through your food vocabulary and ask your classmate if he/she likes to eat foods on your list. Ask him/her about at least 8 of the foods. On a piece of paper list in Spanish the foods you asked about and if he/she said yes or no.

Writing Choose 5 foods off the vocab list and describe them in Spanish. Write 3 sentences each (15 sentences total). Use “Es” (it is) or “Son” (they are) and the descriptive words for food on your list such as “sweet, sour, etc.” You can also say if it is a vegetable or a fruit or what color it is.

Choose 3 words from the food vocabulary list and write them down on a piece of paper without letting your classmate see what you wrote down. On each “turn”, your classmate may ask one yes/no question in Spanish only. After hearing the answer, your classmate is allowed to make one guess during his/her turn. Whoever guesses all three words first wins the game. Example: ¿Es una fruta? – Is it a fruit? ¿Es dulce? – Is it sweet? ¿Es amarillo? – Is it yellow?

Exit Slip What are 3 things you remember from the lesson? What are 2 questions you could ask me about what we went over today?

Spanish 1 Slides

Do Now Answer these questions in Spanish: 1.¿Cómo te llamas? 2.¿Cómo estás? 3.¿Cuántos años tienes? 4.¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?

Pronouns - Pronombres Yo – Tú – Él – Ella – Usted – Nosotros/nosotras – Ellos/ellas- Ustedes –

SER – To Be Soy - Eres - Es - Somos - Son – (Video)

Describe youself! Using “Yo soy” – “I am” and the adjective list I gave you, take 30 seconds to think of 3 sentences you could use to describe yourself in Spanish.

Book Write 5 sentences in Spanish describing someone who inspires you. Use “Eres” (you are) and adjectives to describe the person. Illustrate the book with pencil/crayon or marker illustrations.

Twitter Bio Pretend you are writing a twitter bio for yourself in Spanish. Write: My name is… I am --- old. I am…(and 5 things about your personality).

Simon Says – Simon dice We are going to play “Simon Says” in Spanish. I will tell you commands in Spanish and you will try to follow them by imitating what I do.

Exit Slip What are 3 things you remember from the lesson? What are 2 questions you have for me? (either about today’s lesson or something we learned in another class).