Help Wanted: Brownfields Job Training in New England A Case Study from The WorkPlace, Inc. Southwestern CT’s Workforce Development Board November 15, 2006 Presenter: Joe Carbone
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.2 SW CT has 3 Brownfields Training projects 2 training projects completed: Naugatuck Valley Bridgeport 1 training project underway: Stamford
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.3 Results To-Date: Training Leads to Employment
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.4 Who are the trainees? All are residents of Brownfields areas or neighborhoods impacted All are from “hard-to-place” populations, including: Homeless persons Welfare recipients Limited English Proficient persons
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.5 How do we find potential trainees? Outreach by training provider Advertising in local papers Public Service Announcements Redevelopment & Housing Authorities Faith-based and Community-based organizations
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.6 Curriculum: Technical Skills Training Curriculum = Portable National Credential Environment, Health, Safety & Industrial Hygiene (164 hours) Remediation Technologies (70 hours) Lead & Asbestos Abatement (112 hours) (346 hours)
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.7 Curriculum: Environment, Health, Safety & Industrial Hygiene Introduction to OSHA/EPA laws and regulations (8 Hrs.) Intro. Chemistry/Toxicology and Human Physiology (16 Hrs.) OSHA Hazard Communication Program (4 Hrs.) OSHA 40 hr Hazwoper Training (40 Hrs.) Hazardous Material Handling (8 Hours) Underground Storage Tanks/Above Ground Tanks (4 Hrs.) Confined Space Entry Program (8 Hrs.) Demonstrations and Field Trip (8 Hrs.) OSHA Lock Out/Tag Out Program (2 Hrs.) Blood-borne Pathogens (2 Hrs.) Hearing Conversation Program and Measurements (8 Hrs.) Personal Protective Equipment (4 Hrs.) Respiratory Protection (8 Hrs.) Safety Awareness in the Work Environment (4 Hrs.) General Principles of Industrial Hygiene, Industrial Hygiene Monitoring – Particulates, Volatiles and Metals and Chemical Instrumentation (24 Hrs.) Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Weapons Terrorism and Emergency Response (Overview) (4 Hrs.) RCRA/DOT Hazardous and Non- Hazardous Waste Generation (4 Hrs.) Electrical Safety (2 Hrs.) Fall Protection (2 hrs.) Accident Prevention (2 Hrs.) Ergonomics in the Workplace (2 Hrs.)
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.8 Curriculum: Remediation Technologies Property Transfers- Phase I (6 Hrs.) Property Transfers – Phase II (8 Hrs.) Sampling Techniques – soil and ground water (8 Hrs.) Innovative low flow sampling Innovative sampling for monitored Environmental Risk Management /Decision Framework for Corrective Action (8 Hours) Engineered Systems In-site Bioremediation Techniques Soil Remediation Techniques Phytoremediation Passive Techniques Field Experience – Drilling, Phase I, Phase II, III (8-16 Hrs.) Environmental Sampling and Analysis (24 Hrs.) Radon – Detection and Control (8 Hrs.)
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.9 Curriculum: Lead and Asbestos Abatement Asbestos Supervisor (40 Hrs.) Lead Inspector (24 Hrs.) Lead Supervisor (40 Hrs.) Field Experience – Inspector/Supervisor (8 Hrs.)
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.10 We Leverage the Training Funds
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.11 Support Services for Trainees: Advantages of Working with WIB Participants are certified to receive services under WIA (Workforce Investment Act) WIA core & intensive services ITA’s (Individual Training Accounts) provide funding for occupational training Supplemented by private funding to cover: Uniforms, credentials, transportation, add’l training Support Services help ensure success Help participants resolve legal problems (e.g. driving infractions; child support) Encourage career development (e.g. add CDL to environmental certificate transport hazmat & increase opportunities)
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.12 Job Placement Graduates are getting jobs with benefits Also entrepreneurial opportunities (SBA) Training provider does job development One-Stop assists in placement
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.13 Connect to College College credit for Credential Approved by CT Dept of Higher Education & Dept of Health If complete course & accepted in Environmental Management program, earn 13 credits (Gateway Community College) Encourages students to continue learning & advancement
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.14 Training Provider is Key SW CT partners with: Environmental Management Consultants, Inc. (EMC)( international consulting firm, woman-owned business, based in Shelton, CT Environmental Management Consultants, Inc. (EMC) is a full service environmental management, remediation, industrial health and safety firm providing services to industry within the continental United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico and certain countries in Latin America and Europe.
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.15 Results To-Date: Training Leads to Employment
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.16 Training as economic opportunity Economic Development benefits: Students/graduates -- getting jobs with benefits – keeping it local (train & employ your own residents) Build workforce for growing industry, with related occupations in many sectors Create Advisory Board – involve and connect private sector, redevelopment, and enterprise zones Use Brownfields training to build awareness of the value of Brownfields redevelopment and the environmental industry
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.17 Brownfields Training: Riding An Historic Opportunity Forces of Demographics, Economics, and Technology are combining to create a unique opportunity to develop human capital Low-wage workers are biggest untapped group Brownfields Training can “ride the wave” Short-term training opens long-term opportunities for careers with earnings, benefits, and security
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.18 What’s next? Where this could lead… “Brownfields Center” which helps train people (pipeline) and provides expertise to towns on Brownfields applications and projects
Brownfields Job Training ProgramThe WorkPlace, Inc.19 Thank You! Joseph M. Carbone President & CEO The WorkPlace, Inc. 350 Fairfield Avenue Bridgeport, CT (203)