Of Matters Concerning Truth Words and Music by: Jay Mathes Swiftly Running Music & Records; CCLI#: Some may say “It’s all relative” Some may say “It’s not true” But we know Life’s not meaningless Our Father said:
Of Matters Concerning Truth Words and Music by: Jay Mathes I’ll put my laws on your heart I’ll write them on your mind Your lawless deeds I reconcile I’ll sprinkle clean your conscience I’ll wash your bodies white Draw near, hold fast, consider how
Of Matters Concerning Truth Words and Music by: Jay Mathes Perfection Comes for those He calls Once for all Sins paid full This we know Christ sends us to say “Our Father said,”:
Of Matters Concerning Truth Words and Music by: Jay Mathes I’ll put my laws on your heart I’ll write them on your mind Your lawless deeds I reconcile I’ll sprinkle clean your conscience I’ll wash your bodies white Draw near, hold fast, consider how
Of Matters Concerning Truth Words and Music by: Jay Mathes We gather Spurring love and deeds Uniting hearts in Thee Confessing “We’re the normal ones” Our Father said:
Of Matters Concerning Truth Words and Music by: Jay Mathes I’ll put my laws on your heart I’ll write them on your mind Your lawless deeds I reconcile I’ll sprinkle clean your conscience I’ll wash your bodies white Draw near, hold fast, consider how