Bellwork May 2, 2016 Copy and answer. Explain the organization of Dragon’s Blood. How is it important to the story?
Standard/I can… ELAGSE7RL6: Analyze how an author develops the points of view of different characters or narrators in a text. I can analyze the talents and abilities of characters, peers, and myself.
Hook: Character traits video:
Mini-Lesson Talents and abilities: Jakkin's telepathic link with the animal is unique, and clearly very strong. Further, their play at the oasis shows that the dragon has a deep trust already with Jakkin, which will come into play later in the novel. Small Group work: Break the class into pairs and have them discuss how they found out what they are good at. How do they think this talent will serve them in later years? What kinds of ways can this ability be employed ? Also discuss what types of talents Jakkin has besides telepathic communication with his dragon. Review Ch. 19 Read Ch. 20
Work session Guided Reading Questions Ch What does Red entice Rum to do? 2. Who draws first blood in the fight between Red and Rum? 3. Who has precedence at the rails? 4. What happens when Red opens her mouth to make a noise? 5. Who sneers at Jakkin? 6. Who argues with Jakkin about where Jakkin got Red? 7. Why does Red scream in pain? 8. What does Jakkin tell Red?
Work session Guided Reading Questions Ch What does Red entice Rum to do? Attack. 2. Who draws first blood in the fight between Red and Rum? Red. 3. Who has precedence at the rails? Trainers. 4. What happens when Red opens her mouth to make a noise? No sound comes out. 5. Who sneers at Jakkin? Likkarn. 6. Who argues with Jakkin about where Jakkin got Red? Likkarn. 7. Why does Red scream in pain? She is pinned by Rum. 8. What does Jakkin tell Red? To remember the escape move.
Closing Quick Write In a few sentences, explain in what fields you could best put your talents to work? What would be your annual income in this field? What kind of schooling do you need to pursue it?
Bellwork May 3, 2016 Copy and answer. Who is the narrator of Dragon’s Blood? Is s/he inside or outside the story? What is her/his relationship to the story?
Standard/I can… ELAGSE7RL3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (suspense). I can identify and critique the way suspense was used in the novel Dragon’s Blood.
Hook: Suspense video: OR Suspense AG
Mini-Lesson Suspense. Suspense occurs in writing when a liked or sympathetic character is in some possible danger and the reader feels concern for that character. The objective of this lesson is to look at suspense. Class discussion. What is suspense in literature? How does suspense unfold? Why does drama have suspense? What would writing without suspense be like? What are the types of genre which has more suspense than others? Review Ch. 20 Read Ch. 21
Work session: Guided Reading Questions Ch What does Rum do that confuses Jakkin? 2. What does Likkarn say Rum is using? 3. What does Jakkin stop Red from doing? 4. What does Jakkin offer Likkarn? 5. Who pushes Jakkin aside when Jakkin is trying to tend to Red's wounds?
Work session: Guided Reading Questions Ch What does Rum do that confuses Jakkin? Whine. 2. What does Likkarn say Rum is using? Fool's Pride. 3. What does Jakkin stop Red from doing? Killing Rum. 4. What does Jakkin offer Likkarn? Gold in thanks for Likkarn's help. 5. Who pushes Jakkin aside when Jakkin is trying to tend to Red's wounds? Likkarn.
Closing Group work. In groups have students identify the suspense in Dragon's Blood and suggest ways in which the suspense could have been enhanced. Groups may share their ideas with the class.
Bellwork May 4, 2016 Copy and answer. Give an example of a significant conflict or conflicts between two characters (external conflict) or between a character and his/her conscience (internal conflict) from Dragon’s Blood.
Standard/I can… ELAGSE7RL3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (conflict). I can identify conflicts in Dragon’s Blood and explain how they are developed and resolved by the author.
Hook: Conflict video:
Mini-Lesson Conflict. Conflict occurs in fiction when the protagonist's goal is opposed by some force. That force could be another person or persons, a force of nature or even the protagonist's own character. Conflict is inherent in the plot and is essential to drive the story. The objective of this lesson is to look at conflict. Class discussion. What is conflict? How does conflict unfold? Why does fiction have conflict? What would writing without conflict be like? Must the central conflict be resolved by the end of a book? Can there be more than one conflict in a book? Review Ch. 21 Read Ch. 22
Work session Guided Reading Questions Ch Why does Sakkhan help heal Red's wounds? 2. What does Sakkhan say all good trainers need? 3. What does Jakkin learn about Sakkhan and Akki? 4. What does Sakkhan ask for of Red?
Work session Guided Reading Questions Ch Why does Sakkhan help heal Red's wounds? Because Red might hurt Likkarn. 2. What does Sakkhan say all good trainers need? A chance to steal an egg. 3. What does Jakkin learn about Sakkhan and Akki? They are father and daughter. 4. What does Sakkhan ask for of Red? First pick of Red's first litter.
Closing Group work. In groups have students identify three conflict(s) in Dragon's Blood and write down some of the ways in which Yolen builds the conflict and resolves it (them). Have them identify where the conflict changes and by what means it is changed.
Bellwork May 5, 2016 Copy and answer. How is the main character of the novel similar to a person that you know? Write a paragraph (5-8 sentences) answering this question.
Standard/I can… ELAGSE7RL3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (resolution). I can produce a new or different ending for the novel that we have been reading.
Hook: Resolution video: definition-examples-quiz.html definition-examples-quiz.html
Mini-Lesson Resolution. The resolution in a novel occurs after the climax when the situation is different because the conflict has been resolved. Generally the resolution will at least imply that the new state is one that will continue from that point on with the characters or situation. The objective of this lesson is to look at resolution. Class discussion. What is resolution? How does the resolution unfold? Why does fiction have resolution? What would writing without resolution be like? Can there be more than one resolution in a book? Review Ch. 22 Read Ch. 23 and Heart’s Blood Preview
Work session Guided Reading Questions Ch. 23 What does Akki tell Jakkin about her bond?
Work session Guided Reading Questions Ch. 23 What does Akki tell Jakkin about her bond? She has paid it off.
Closing Group work. In groups have students identify the resolution of the central conflict in Dragon's Blood and then write a different resolution. Groups may share their ideas with the class.
Bellwork May 6, 2016 Copy and answer. Can you see any similarities between the main character and an animal? Pick an animal that has some similarities to Jakkin and write 3-4 sentences explaining how their personalities are similar.
Standard/I can… ELAGSE7RL7: Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium. I can compare and contrast a written story to a filmed version.
Hook Comparison and contrast video:
Mini-Lesson Abstracts for Ch : Chapter 20: Bottle O' Rum and Red fight and at first it seems Bottle O' Rum has the upper hand, but Red comes through to win. * Likkarn comes up to Jakkin and argues with him as to how he came by a dragon and how he feeds the dragon. * Chapter 21: Bottle O'Rum tries to entice Red to kill him in a move called "Fool's Pride." * Likkarn alerts Jakkin as to what is happening and Jakkin stops Red from killing the other dragon and takes Red to the stall to attend to her wounds. * Likkarn tries to take over caring for Red, but Jakkin will not allow it. Chapter 22: Sarkkhan cares for Red's wounds and also tells Jakkin something about Likkarn's past. * Sarkkhan explains that he had known about Jakkin's dragon all along and had set Jakkin up to steal the dragon and train her, the same as Likkarn had done for Sarkkhan. * Sarkkhan reveals that he is Akki's father and gives Akki to Jakkin. * Sarkkhan and Jakkin negotiate the terms for Jakkin's freedom. Chapter 23: Jakkin is not a master and has fought Red twice more successfully. * Jakkin goes to his oasis and meets Akki there who tells Jakkin she is free and is leaving. * Jakkin jokes about Sarkkhan giving him Akki, and she is incensed. * Akki leaves and Jakkin decides to continue to wear his bond bag and put his money in it and eventually seek out Akki in the hopes she will accept him.
Work Session- Watch Dragon’s Blood Cartoon (22 minutes) Complete a double bubble map comparing and contrasting the cartoon to the novel. Watch instructional video: How to make origami dragons (McInnis). Make your own origami dragon using origami paper.
Closing Share some of the similarities and differences between the cartoon and the novel. Which did you enjoy more? Why? Test on Tuesday, May 10 th.