History and Art- The Muralists
Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo
Jose Clement Orozco
History and Art Three Major Civilizations Mayans in the Yucatan Peninsula Incas in Peru The fierce Aztecs in Mexico
The Aztec Empire By 1500 the Aztec Empire territory included 125,000 square miles with a population of about 10 million people
Aztec Empire
The Fierce Aztecs
The Aztecs and human sacrifice At least 15,000 per year were sacrificed. Nourishment for the sun god and strikes fear in the enemy.
Jaguar Warrior
Tenochtitlan Marketplace Diego Rivera 1933
Tenochtitlan 1345 eagle perched on a cactus eating a serpent
Tenochtitlan Temples Pyramids Market place palaces
How does Cortes do it?
Hernan Cortes Spanish conqueror arrives in Tenochtitlan in 1519 Within two years had conquered the powerful Aztec empire Spaniard’s resemblance to Quetzalcoatl-the Aztec emperor Montezuma less wary than usual.
Cortes Quetzalcoatl Armor Horses Small pox Angry neighbors
Conquest-Jose Orozco 1939
Conquest-Jose Orozco
Absorption of the Indian Jose Orozco 1927
Creation of the Mestizo Genetic mixing of Spanish and Indian races Malinche synonymous with traitor
Colonial Domination Diego Rivera (1933)
Colonial Domination Rivera-1933
Spanish Treatment of the Indians 300 years of mistreatment of the indigenous population by the colonizing Spanish Catholic church helped to justify this treatment Encomiendas-land grants
Indians Mestizos Criollos-people of pure Spanish descent born in Mexico Peninsulares-Spaniards born in Spain who filled the top positions in gov. The Social Pyramid in Mexico
Father Miguel Hidalgo On Sept. 16, 1810, Father Miguel Hidalgo, leader of a small parish consisting of Indians and Mestizos declared Mexico’s independence from Spain. Soon Hidalgo was killed as was other revolutionaries who followed.
Fight for Liberty Jose Orozco 1939
Benito Juarez Juarez is one of Mexico’s best loved leaders. He was dedicated to helping the poor and protecting them from corruption w/in the church.
Juarez and the Fall of the Empire Orozco
Juarez Dedicated to helping the poor Against the corruption of the church Fought the French Continued his reforms until his death 1872
Mexican Independence As Mexico moved into the 19th century, it continued to have socioeconomic stratification based on skin color and heritage.
Dictatorship of Porfirio Diaz Diaz came to power in 1876-Mexican technology for mining and agriculture had not changed since colonial times. He rules as a dictator for 34 years Most peasants lived in virtual slavery. Most people had 1/2 of what they had to eat in People resented Diaz and this resentment lead to the Mex. Rev of 1910