UKRAINE – agro-industrial country with a powerful product potential and attractive investment climate, characterized by a number of features: - The market is in its formation stage, having some free niches - Quite large internal market - Absence of severe competition - Wide retailers network - Cheap labor force - Own raw materials base
GENERAL DATA ABOUT UKRAINE ECONOMY: - GDP (2009): billion UAH, equivalent to: billion USD - Over 20% of GDP is obtained from the agro-industrial complex - 24% of the whole export volume is taken by food stuffs and raw materials for their production (2009) - Leading sectors: extractive and processing industry (including food industry), transportation and heavy machine building Population of Ukraine Population – 46,143,342 people The biggest cities of Ukraine: Kyiv (capital city) – 2,628.8 ths. Kharkiv – 1,500 ths. Dnipropetrovsk – 1,103 ths. Donetsk – 1,050 ths. Odesa – 1,002 ths. Main trade partners (exportation): CIS countries – 44.5%, EU – 24%, Asia – 14.4%, America – 4.2% Other countries – 12.9%. Main trade partners (importation): CIS countries – 36%, EU – 26.5%, Asia – 4%, America – 5.3%, Other countries – 28.2%.
Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine UBIFRANCE, the French Agency for International Business Development Ukrainian Agribusiness Club association Union of Milk Enterprises of Ukraine UKRMIASO, National Association of meat and meat products manufacturers of Ukraine FOOD EXPO UKRAINE exhibition is held under support of:
Aims of FOOD EXPO UKRAINE: - Consolidation of enterprises of food products and food processing industry, manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials, equipment and packaging into united exhibition event of the industry, allowing to solve common questions in complex; - Creation of maximum comfortable platform for demonstrating achievements of food industry companies, as well as achievements of food industry in general; - Facilitation in establishing new business contacts and widening the existing ones; - Promotion of new products into national and international food products market; - Strengthening of external economic relations; - Contribution into increase of investments into food industry of Ukraine.
Tasks of FOOD EXPO UKRAINE: - Ensuring the most effective results for each exhibitor; - Uniting the leading market players for the increase of industry effectiveness; - Consolidating the leading associations and unions of foodstuffs and drinks market for further industry development; - Attracting international partners to creation of the international exhibition format; - Facilitating constructive dialog between manufacturers, suppliers and retailers of food products sector; - Creating integral information space for the industry enterprises; - Implementing effective business program within the frames of the exhibition.
Advantages in participation in FOOD EXPO UKRAINE: -Excellent opportunities for establishing business contacts with Ukrainian wholesalers, retailers and distributors; - General assessment of the market and competitive advantages; -Conduct of effective marketing; -Access of new trademarks and effective presentation of products and technologies to Ukrainian market; -Ideal place for establishing business contacts with international partners; -Basis for international companies searching for new exportation opportunities in Ukraine; -Real platform for corporate strategies of international markets entry; - Strengthening of the company image, as well as the image of products brands; -Participation in effective exhibition business program for solving urgent problems of food industry enterprises.
Main thematic sections of FOOD EXPO exhibition project - Meat and meat products - Bread, confectionary and sweets - Alcoholic and soft drinks - Milk products - Grocery - Ice cream and frozen products - Fruit and vegetables - Preserved food - Semi-finished products - Dietary products - Tea and coffee
Visitor profile of FOOD EXPO UKRAINE exhibitions Diagram 1 represents the visitor profile of FOOD EXPO UKRAINE according to the fields of activities
Visitor profile of FOOD EXPO UKRAINE exhibitions Diagram 2 represents visitor profile of FOOD EXPO UKRAINE according to positions taken
Organizer – KYIV INTERNATIONALCONTRACT FAIR, JSC Address:P.O.Box A-13, Kyiv, Ukraine Tel/fax: , ,