THE CHURCH AS SACRAMENT / SIGN The Church continuing the mission of God’s healing and loving presence in the world. The Church at: -Prayer -Worship -Action.


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Presentation transcript:

THE CHURCH AS SACRAMENT / SIGN The Church continuing the mission of God’s healing and loving presence in the world. The Church at: -Prayer -Worship -Action The Church as a visible sign of God WYD08 © Alphonsus Fok

THE CHURCH AS PROCLAIMER OF THE WORD The Church announcing the gospel and summoning people to faith in Jesus as Saviour The Church inviting people to conversion through listening to the Word The Church preaching to the faithful The Church as educator in the faith WYD08 © David Tang

THE CHURCH AS COMMUNITY OF DISCIPLES The Church as a fellowship of persons, people of God, brought together by the Holy Spirit Fellowship of persons brought together by the Holy Spirit People of God WYD08 © Alphonsus Fok

THE CHURCH AS SERVANT The Church serving the needs of the world The Church transforming human society with the values of the reign of God The Church acting for justice Stewardship of Creation WYD08 © Alphonsus Fok

THE CHURCH AS MYSTICAL COMMUNION The Church as the ground for interpersonal relationships within the whole of the Church, including those who have gone before us People in union with Christ and the Father through the Holy Spirit Communion of Saints WYD08 © Alphonsus Fok

THE CHURCH AS INSTITUTION The Church as an ordered community with structures that enable and promote worship and service. Clergy Religious Orders and Lay Movements Canon Law Places of Worship WYD08 © Alphonsus Fok