Resident Orientation to the American Academy of Pediatrics 2016
W HAT YOU ’ LL LEARN TODAY About: The AAP mission & structure SOMSRFT (a.k.a. Section on Medical Students, Residents & Fellowship Trainees) Membership benefits How to get involved Useful websites & contacts
AAP M ISSION Mission Statement - founded in 1930 “To attain optimal, physical, mental, and social health and well being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults.”
62,000+ member voices for children Largest organization of pediatricians in the United States 42% of members are < 40 years old 98% of residents are AAP members M EMBERSHIP
National AAP Executive Committee 10 Districts Regional ChaptersSections SOMSRFT Section on Medical Students, Residents, and Fellowship Trainees SOECP Section on Early Career Physicians CouncilsCommittees Structure
S TRUCTURE : 10 D ISTRICTS Military Programs East = District I West = District VIII
S TRUCTURE B REAKDOWN Chapters Each district is divided into chapters (often a state) Each chapter has its own leadership board Many chapters have designated SOMSRFT leaders Chapter websites: Sections Group of AAP members with similar interests or career-stage Requirements and dues to join vary by section SOMSRFT membership is free for residents & fellowship trainees Section websites: the-aap/Committees-Councils- Sections/Pages/Sections.aspxhttp:// the-aap/Committees-Councils- Sections/Pages/Sections.aspx
Committees Board appointed experts in various specialties Develop AAP policy Councils New addition to the hierarchy Merger of a section and committee S TRUCTURE B REAKDOWN
“By engaging trainee members in educational and experiential skill-building activities and by fostering collaboration, coaching, and mentorship across levels of pediatric training, the SOMSRFT strives to empower and enable pediatric trainees to serve as advocates for the health of all children and as effective leaders in their chosen profession and communities, thereby helping trainees to fulfill their career goals and aspirations while simultaneously strengthening the American Academy of Pediatrics and its impact on child health.” Section founded in SOMSRFT: M ISSION
SOMSRFT: Membership 14,000+ members Largest Section in the AAP Nearly all residents are members 1,600 1,800 11,000 Residents Medical Students Fellowship Trainees
Executive Committee 20 District Representatives 5 Subcommittees Child Health Member Value Learning & Growth Internal Process Medical Student 40+ Section Liaisons Program Delegates Communicate important information to and from the residency program SOMSRFT: L EADERSHIP
CHILD HEALTH: Advance Child Health Champion child health advocacy Conduct annual advocacy campaign MEMBER: Align Value to the Greatest Needs of SOMSRFT Improve Section communications Integrate medical students into Section work and membership Implement AAP mentorship program SOMSRFT: S TRATEGIC I NITIATIVES
LEARNING & GROWTH: Enhance learning and skill development of incoming and current section leaders Enhance new committee member orientation INTERNAL PROCESS: Facilitate optimal communication within Section Increase the number of sections/committees/councils/chapters that have trainee representation SOMSRFT: S TRATEGIC I NITIATIVES
SOMSRFT : A DVOCACY C AMPAIGN 2009: ImmuneWise 2010: Team Healthy - Obesity 2011: Vote for Kids 2012: Early Childhood Literacy 2013: PAVE the Way to Firearm Injury Prevention NEW - : FACE poverty For more on AAP Advocacy, visit:
AAP M ENTORSHIP P ROGRAM Online program Can be a mentor, mentee or both Must be a member of national AAP Can be long-term (typically one-year in length) or short-term (flash mentoring) Sign up within minutes by filling out profile form
SOMSRFT P EDIATRICS M ONTHLY F EATURE First article appeared in January 2015 First author must be a medical student, resident or fellowship trainee For more information visit: RFT_pediatrics.html
PediaLink PREP® The Curriculum – online Pediatrics in Review® PREP® Self-Assessment EQIPP Pediatrics® National Conference and Exhibition Subspecialty CME courses E DUCATIONAL R ESOURCES
Pediatric Care Online™ (PCO) Includes Bright Futures Includes Pediatric Patient Education™ library Supported in part by Mead Johnson Nutrition Red Book® Online P OINT OF C ARE /C LINICAL R ESOURCES
Practice Support Information on AAP Pediatric Coding Newsletter™ & Hotline Section on Administration and Practice Management (SOAPM) QUINN – Quality Improvement Innovation Networks Digital Navigator B USINESS /P RACTICE R ESOURCES
AAP News AAP SmartBrief PedJobs AAP Insurance Program Graduating residents receive a complimentary year of life insurance Life After Training - guide for graduating residents & fellowship trainees A DDITIONAL R ESOURCES FROM THE AAP
Anne E. Dyson Child Advocacy Award Resident Research Grants International Elective Award Program Delegate Award Financial assistance to travel to AAP National Conference & Exhibition Resident (hardship) Scholarships Legislative Conference Grants CATCH Grants F UNDING O PPORTUNITIES
Contact chapter leaders Join a chapter committee Join in chapter advocacy activities Participate in SOMSRFT as Program delegates Liaisons Subcommittee workgroup members Write articles for newsletters Get connected online – engage with social media SOMSRFT Listservs – monthly “What’s New” blasts Facebook – SOMSRFT page – Twitter H OW TO G ET I NVOLVED
Ask Your: Program Director AAP Program Delegate SOMSRFT District Coordinators AAP Contact: Julie Raymond, CAE Manager, Members Sections & Engagement Q UESTIONS ?