Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, 2013 1 |1 | STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT TO ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE IN THE AMERICAS D R. I.


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Presentation transcript:

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |1 | STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT TO ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE IN THE AMERICAS D R. I RENE K LINGER D IRECTOR EXTERNAL RELATIONS PAHO Strategic Consultative Meeting on Achieving UHC in the Americas September, 2013 PAHO Strategic Consultative Meeting on Achieving UHC in the Americas September, 2013

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |2 | WHY ENGAGE EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS? Because… We need to adopt necessary and difficult reforms The causes and effects of UHC extend beyond the health sector (multi-sectorial) UHC is a complex, multi-faceted issue to be addressed from a multi-disciplinary perspective

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |3 | And by doing so we will… Understand better the challenges Demonstrate Leadership and Governance through policy dialogue with all sectors of society Foster Country Ownership Contribute to more equitable societies Contribute to higher levels of productivity and competitiveness WHY ENGAGE EXTERNAL STAKEHOLDERS?

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |4 | AT WHAT LEVEL DO WE ENGAGE STAKEHOLDERS? Global Regional and Sub-Regional National and Sub-National

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |5 | WHO ARE STAKEHOLDERS AT COUNTRY LEVEL? MINISTRY OF HEALTH Armed Forces / Military CBO / NGO / FBO Central Bank Chambers of Commerce Foundations Health Insurance Administrators Insurance Companies Judiciary Corporations Legislative Commissions / Legislators Mayors / Municipal Gov’t Medical / Professional Associations Medical Laboratories Ministry of Finance Ministry of Labor Ministry of Planning Pharmaceutical Companies Political Parties President, Governors, Ministers Red Cross Religious Institutions Rotary Small and Medium Enterprise Social Security Institutes The Media Trade Unions Universities

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |6 | WHO ARE THE REGIONAL STAKEHOLDERS? Andean Community (CAN) Association of Parliamentarians (PARLACEN) Business Council of Latin America (CEAL) Caribbean Community Secretariat (CARICOM) Caribbean Development Bank Carlos Slim Health Institute Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) Central American Integration System (SICA) Employers and employees organizations The Development Bank of Latin America (CAF) Institute of Public Health - México – Centro de Investigación en Sistemas de Salud Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) Mercado Común del Sur (MERCOSUR) Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) Organization of American States (OAS) South American Nations (UNASUR) The Carso Institute The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) The Regional Media (eg: Univision)

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |7 | WHO ARE THE GLOBAL STAKEHOLDERS? CARE/USA – Corp. partnerships Catholic Organization for Relief and Development (Cordaid) Center for Global Development (CGD) Dept. of Public Health / IHCAR-Karolinska Institutet – Sweden (Health Systems and Policy Research Group) European Commission EU-LAC Foundation Fogarty International Center (FIC) / NIH/ DHHS German Development Agency (GIZ) & German Development Bank (KfW) Global Business Coalition Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria (GFATM) Harvard University Health Systems Global Hewlett Foundation Institute of Tropical Medicine (ITM) Antwerp, Belgium International Development Research Centre (IDRC) International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) International Health Partnership + (IHP+) International Labor Organization (ILO) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) London School of Hygiene Results for Development (R4D) Save the Children / UK Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) The Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine – Dept. of Global Health and Development The Rockefeller Foundation UN Agencies W. K. Kellogg Foundation Warren Buffet / BMGF World Bank World Economic Forum

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |8 | WHAT ARE OUR NEXT STEPS? Use key informant interviews & conduct new to refine stakeholder mapping and define areas of interest [Services, Supplies, Coverage, Cost] Develop Stakeholder Communication Strategies, Plans Convene consultative meetings to foster policy dialogue & build stronger understanding and relationships

Stakeholder engagement to achieve UHC in The Americas, |9 | WORKING TOGETHER TO ACHIEVE UHC