Persuasive Language MENUEXIT The careful choice of words can make a persuasive message powerful and compelling. Specific word choices can influence the response of readers. Continue…
MENUEXIT For example: The brave swimmer leapt into the water when she heard cries for help. The frightened swimmer tiptoed into the water when she heard cries for help. PREVIOUS The careful choice of words can make a persuasive message powerful and compelling. Specific word choices can influence the response of readers. Next Persuasive Language
MENUEXIT PREVIOUS Click to find the negative words Persuasive Language What words in this message are meant to make you concerned? The disturbing lack of reading skills among many elementary school children causes enormous problems in our schools. Unless everyone recognizes this troubling situation and is willing to do the hard work needed to improve it, our whole society will be in big trouble.
MENUEXIT PREVIOUS Persuasive Language What words in this message are meant to make you concerned? The disturbing lack of reading skills among many elementary school children causes enormous problems in our schools. Unless everyone recognizes this troubling situation and is willing to do the hard work needed to improve it, our whole society will be in big trouble. Next
MENUEXIT Words have two kinds of meaning – denotative and connotative. Persuasive writing is especially dependent on the connotations of words. Click on the topic you want to explore. MENU Persuasive Language Denotative and Connotative Meanings Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Denotative & Connotative Meanings The denotative meaning is the dictionary definition. Persuasive Language skunk:small carnivorous mammal gazelle:small antelope
MENUEXIT The denotative meaning is the dictionary definition. Continue… Persuasive Language skunk:small carnivorous mammal gazelle:small antelope Denotative & Connotative Meanings
MENUEXIT Persuasive Language PREVIOUS Denotative & Connotative Meanings The denotative meaning is the dictionary definition. skunk:small carnivorous mammal gazelle:small antelope The connotative meaning involves emotions and associations. skunk:a despicable person; to cheat gazelle: graceful, swift
MENUEXIT Persuasive Language Menu PREVIOUS Denotative & Connotative Meanings The denotative meaning is the dictionary definition. skunk:small carnivorous mammal gazelle:small antelope The connotative meaning involves emotions and associations. skunk:a despicable person; to cheat gazelle: graceful, swift
MENUEXIT Positive and Negative Connotations Words can have both positive and negative connotations. Words with strongly positive or strongly negative connotations can shape the reactions of readers. Persuasive Language Continue…
MENUEXIT Positive and Negative Connotations Words can have both positive and negative connotations. Words with strongly positive or strongly negative connotations can shape the reactions of readers. Persuasive Language How do your feelings about the sandals change after reading the second sentence? These sandals are expensive, the latest style, and a vibrant, striking color. These sandals are flimsy, extremely uncomfortable, and clash with all my clothes. Click to see an analysis PREVIOUS
MENUEXIT Words can have both positive and negative connotations. Words with strongly positive or strongly negative connotations can shape the reactions of readers. Persuasive Language The positive connotations make the sandals seem desirable, while the negative connotations make them seem wrong. These sandals are expensive, the latest style, and a vibrant, striking color. These sandals are flimsy, extremely uncomfortable, and clash with all my clothes. Next PREVIOUS Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Words with strongly positive connotations can persuade readers to see your ideas in a favorable way. Persuasive Language Continue… PREVIOUS Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Words with strongly positive connotations can persuade readers to see your ideas in a favorable way. Persuasive Language PREVIOUS What neutral words or phrases in this statement could you turn into more positive language? Taking part in sports is one way to stay fit and take care of yourself. Click to see the neutral words Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Persuasive Language PREVIOUS What neutral words or phrases in this statement could you turn into more positive language? Taking part in sports is one way to stay fit and take care of yourself. Click to see a revision Positive and Negative Connotations Words with strongly positive connotations can persuade readers to see your ideas in a favorable way.
MENUEXIT Persuasive Language PREVIOUS Taking part in sports is one way to stay fit and take care of yourself. ORIGINAL Enthusiastically playing sports is an excellent way to improve your fitness and boost your overall health and well-being. REVISED Next Positive and Negative Connotations Words with strongly positive connotations can persuade readers to see your ideas in a favorable way.
MENUEXIT Words with negative connotations can be used to create an unfavorable impression and can sway the reader toward a particular point of view. Persuasive Language Continue… PREVIOUS Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Words with negative connotations can be used to create an unfavorable impression and can sway the reader toward a particular point of view. Persuasive Language PREVIOUS Which words in this paragraph have negative connotations? The thoughtless way many people damage public property makes you wonder what messes their own houses must be. This carelessness and lack of concern for others and the environment show how selfish they are. Click to see the negative words Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Words with negative connotations can be used to create an unfavorable impression and can sway the reader toward a particular point of view. Persuasive Language PREVIOUS The words with negative connotations make the reader dislike people who act this way. The writer uses those words to show that these people should be judged harshly. The thoughtless way many people damage public property makes you wonder what messes their own houses must be. This carelessness and lack of concern for others and the environment show how selfish they are. Next Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Avoid using slanted language. Slanted language is persuasive language that is misused, sometimes clouding factual information and disguising poor reasoning by using words with powerful connotations. Strong emotional appeals can unfairly manipulate people’s feelings unless those appeals are supported with sound reasons and evidence. Persuasive Language PREVIOUS Next Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Persuasive Language PREVIOUS Which words in this paragraph are slanted to produce a favorable impression of a computer animation club? Starting a computer animation club is the most fantastic idea I’ve heard of. Whoever thought that up must be either a genius or amazingly ahead of the times. It’s wonderful that someone finally had the courage to stand up for this brilliant plan. Click to see the slanted language Positive and Negative Connotations
MENUEXIT Persuasive Language PREVIOUS Which words in this paragraph are slanted to produce a favorable impression of a computer animation club? Starting a computer animation club is the most fantastic idea I’ve heard of. Whoever thought that up must be either a genius or amazingly ahead of the times. It’s wonderful that someone finally had the courage to stand up for this brilliant plan. i Positive and Negative Connotations Menu
MENUEXIT Persuasive Language Which words in this paragraph are slanted to produce a favorable impression of a computer animation club? Starting a computer animation club is the most fantastic idea I’ve heard of. Whoever thought that up must be either a genius or amazingly ahead of the times. It’s wonderful that someone finally had the courage to stand up for this brilliant plan. i Notice that the writer gave no evidence to support his opinion; instead, he used words that play on the reader’s emotions. In your own writing, be careful to avoid using slanted language in place of sound reasons and evidence. CLOSE Positive and Negative Connotations