Labor Samuel Gompers American Federation of Labor Eugene Debs Pullman Strike Haymarket Affair Homestead Strike
In the beginning…. Labor unions began because of: –Long work hours –Working ages –Sweatshops –Wages Women earned half of what men earned Unions began in late 1700s –Very small movements
Knights of Labor 1869 Union that was open to all people Supported 8 hour work day Equal pay for all “An injury to one is a concern for all”
Samuel Gompers Led the Cigar Makers’ International Union Became president of the American Federation of Labor Fought for collective bargaining Not afraid to use strikes
S.G. cont. Wages rose because of S.G. –$17.50 to $24/week –54.5 hrs/week to 49 hrs./week
Eugene Debs Organized the American Railway Union Pullman Strike (1894) –George Pullman lowered wages in his comp. –Didn’t lower prices in company town –Workers went on strike Debs organized strike –Turned violent –Strikebreakers brought in
Socialism Government control of business and property Equal distribution of wealth Carried to its extreme form = Communism Socialists worked into unions –Debs was a socialist Discredited unions for many years
Haymarket Affair Chicago 3,000 people gathered in Haymarket square to protest the police killing of a striker Someone tossed a bomb into the police line Police fired into the crowd Public began to turn against unions
Homestead Strike Poor working conditions in Carnegie Steel plant in Homestead, PA Strike called for in 1892 after wages were to be cut Private security force called in to control strikers
Homestead cont. Carnegie wanted to hire replacement workers –“Scabs” Violence ensued –3 security agents and 9 workers killed National Guard called in Plant closed Steelworkers lost power