Essential Questions Why did the Homestead Strike turn violent? Who was to blame?
Preview: Timeline Analysis Examine the timeline of events during the Homestead Strike. In your note, answer the following questions: What happened between 1882 – 1889? How do you think this impacted the work at the Steel Factory? Who initiated the violence? Why do you think they did this? What was the result?
Cornell Note-Taking System Questions answered by Notes: Notes: Summarize the main ideas in two or three sentences.
The Gilded Age – Industrial Era • Workers formed unions to protect their rights and give them the power to collectively bargain. Business owners saw labor unions as unfair because they prevent competition. • Throughout the industrial era, unions were involved in a number of strikes that often turned violent.
The Gilded Age / Industrial Era Questions answered by Notes: Notes: Workers formed unions to protect their rights and give them the power to collectively bargain. Business owners saw labor unions as unfair because they prevent competition. • Throughout the industrial era, unions were involved in a number of strikes that often turned violent. What are three key ideas about the Gilded Age / Industrial Era? Summarize the main ideas in two or three sentences. The Gilded Age was characterized by major grow in wealth and industry. This lead to violent confrontations between unions and business leaders.
Andrew Carnegie • Robber Baron / Captain of the steel industry. Owned the steel mill in Homestead, PA (near Pittsburgh)
Amalgamated Association (AA) 1876 Union forms for Iron and Steel workers From 1882 -1889 Union won two big strikes and became very well organized and powerful. Represented all workers not just the skilled laborers
Henry Clay Frick Ran the Homestead Steel Mill. Wanted to break the Union. Refused to negotiate a new contract. Locked workers out. Hired Pinkerton Detectives to provide security and break the strike.
The Homestead Strike When the Pinkertons tried to enter the mill, violence broke out. The violence lasted for 14 hours and left 16 people dead. The Strike lasted four more months until the Union gave up.
The Homestead Strike Questions answered by Notes: Notes: Robber Baron / Captain of the steel industry. Owned the steel mill in Homestead, PA (near Pittsburgh) • Union forms for Iron and Steel workers From 1882 -1889 Union won two big strikes and became very well organized and powerful. Who was Andrew Carnegie? What was the Amalgamated Association? Summarize the main ideas in two or three sentences. The Homestead Strike involved a violent conflict between Andrew Carnegie the own of the steel mill and the Amalgamated Association which was the workers’ union..
Task: Historical Detectives Why did the Homestead Strike turn violent Task: Historical Detectives Why did the Homestead Strike turn violent? Who was to blame? As you read the two different accounts of the Homestead Strike, decided why they offer such different accounts. Source the document Find and copy key words Complete the T-Chart
Writing for Understanding: Why did the Homestead Strike turn violent? Who was to blame? Use evidence from the documents and the timeline to support your argument