Strikes and Unions Solving the issues of low pay, bad working conditions and unfair treatment of workers
Unions Knights of Labor -accepted Blacks and women and was the first attempt at unions. All trades were accepted- but not much accomplished. Led by Terence Powderly. American Federation of Labor (AFL)- Led by Samuel Gompers (for 37 years)- focuses on improving working conditions and better pay – they used strikes, boycotts and negotiations.
Haymarket Strike Striking workers in Chicago in The Knights of Labor wanted an 8 hour work day. A bomb exploded and killed 7 policemen and shots were fired into the crowd. Public opinion turned against unions since they were associated with violence.
Homestead Strike This violent event happened in Homestead, PA at Carnegie’s Steel Co. It began because Carnegie cut wages of workers- Carnegie said he would hire non- union (scabs). The strike lasted four months and was very violent!
Pullman Strike Pullman cut pay 25%-but did not lower the rent of the housing. They refused to unload any Pullman cars. Rail traffic came to a halt!
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire This event happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York- (Textiles factory) 500 sweatshop workers were locked in when a fired started- killed 146 people!