STUDY SKILLS OVERVIEW. Common Myths and Misconceptions Students still believe in luck when it comes to grades.Students still believe in luck when it comes.


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Presentation transcript:


Common Myths and Misconceptions Students still believe in luck when it comes to grades.Students still believe in luck when it comes to grades. They think kids get good grades because teachers like them.They think kids get good grades because teachers like them. They believe that the “smart kids” will get the good grades.They believe that the “smart kids” will get the good grades. They believe that “only poor students have to study and that working for something is somehow a badge of dishonor.”They believe that “only poor students have to study and that working for something is somehow a badge of dishonor.”

STUDY SKILLS Basics *Pay Attention in Class *Come to School and Be on Time *You can’t learn if you are not at school *Take Good Notes *Stay on Task with Your MacBook

STUDY SKILLS BASICS Continued>>>> *Keep an Organized Binder *Use Your MacBook iCalendar or a Planner/Agenda to Record Assignments *Ask Questions in Class and Participate in Group Discussions

MORE STUDY SKILLS BASICS Plan a Definite Study Time Don’t Cram for Hours the and Place for Each Day Night Before a Test

INDEPENDENT LEARNERS The following are characteristics of a successful student. Develop these in yourself Ask questions Discuss topics with your peers If you don’t understand something, speak up

STUDY TIMETABLE Study sessions just don’t happen when you feel like doing them. They need to be scheduled on an organized timetable. Your study timetable should rule your life.

SOME TIPS Don’t study after 11:00 pm Divide time equally between subjects- Hardest first Revise your study timetable – things change Stick to it !

STUDY SESSIONS How do you study? Studying has 3 parts Organizing subject matter efficiently- Prioritize assignments- HARDEST FIRST! Getting ongoing day- to- day work and assignments done- DO YOUR HOMEWORK! Researching and revising work for exams- Studying minutes every day for upcoming tests!

STUDY SESSION POINTERS: Don’t make study sessions too long Drink some water before you start Break tasks down into smaller manageable ones Do daily summaries of work covered in class in your own words under Main Points Set a task to achieve for each session

PRIORITIZING When do you study? How often? What about the other things you do? Write down : The fixed things that you have to do- “ROCK PRIORITIES”- Studying/Homework Time you have no control over – the “musts” Activities where you have a choice of the “options” Remember procrastination (putting things off) is an obstacle to your goals

USE TRAVEL TIME You can also use travel time to and from school for Planning and reviewing your notes Listening to recorded summaries or points on an MP3 player Then when you arrive home, it is much easier to get down to study You are psyched up Your purpose and task are set You can apply yourself immediately

Develop Effective Methods  Ask someone to quiz you  Read; reread; and highlight your notes  Summarize; read your notes; read your notes out loud (this helps with memory)  Outline or make a graphic version of written work (lists, columns, Venn diagrams, etc.)  Quiz yourself  Practice with flashcards; free digital flashcard programs like Quizlet and StudyStack are available to use with your MacBook  Write memory work over and over until you feel confident

Develop Effective Methods…Continued  Use a worksheet as a quiz by covering over the answers and re-doing it  Look over old quizzes and try to figure out why you're making mistakes  Look over the returned assignments for the unit  Answer study guide questions  Tell someone else what the topic is about  Look up the parts of the assignments that you didn't understand the first time and use online tutorials in your textbooks and Khan Academy

Social Life: Put this on hold if necessary Give up parties, nights out etc. Plan your rewards you will give yourself after the exams Exercise: Do something active like walk or jog daily to reduce the to relieve pressure and stress It clears the mind and encourages positive thoughts

COUNTDOWN to the EXAMS In the run up to your exams, you must adopt a more disciplined attitude. Use your planner to know when your tests are. Study a little every day. Your performance on the exam is vital to your success- tests count the most towards your grade. Look at tests positively and as an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding.

Reminders Remember it is important to eat healthy and sleep well by turning off electronic devices; tv, laptop, cell phone Put yourself first – it is an important time for you – try to talk to family about how they can make studying a little easier for you, e.g. by agreeing times when you can have your own space, when they will try to be a bit quieter around the house and when you would rather not be disturbed TAKE BREAKS AND DO THINGS YOU ENJOY AND HELP YOU RELAX