Chapter 41 Planning Meals at Home Study Guide Answers Mrs. Millard
1. Name three factors that should be considered when planning a meal for your family. Number of people Food preferences Dietary restrictions
2. Name three factors that should be considered when planning any meal. Nutrition Appeal resources
3. How does meal planning relate to nutrition? Meal planning helps you get the variety of foods you need each day for good nutrition
4. What five characteristics make an attractive meal? Flavor Shape and size Color Texture temperature
5. Name four factors that affect your resources when planning meals. Time Preparation skills Money Supplies and equipment
6. What are four sources of recipes? Cookbooks Newspapers and magazines Food packaging Family/friends
7. What recipes should be avoided in daily planning? Recipes high in sugar, fat, or salt
8. What are ingredients? The individual food items needed to make the recipe
9. What information is included in a recipe? Ingredients Full instructions, including equipment needed and cooking time; Yield Sometimes nutritional info
10. Why is long-range meal planning a useful management technique? It helps you use your resources, especially time, energy, knowledge and money wisely
11. What is the best way to do meal planning each week? Set aside a regular time and place for meal planning
12. Why should you save your meal plans? Many of them can be reused
Rate the Recipe ½ lb2 8oz cans or 1 16 oz can 3.The chili could be prepared the day before or early in the day, refrigerated and then reheated to serve 4.Family members could eat when it is convenient, since the chili can stay warm on the range 5.The ground beef or turkey can be omitted and additional beans or vegetables can be added 6.????