1 Information Collection/Imagery Brief 601 AOC/JA Current as of 13 Dec 2010 CONR-1AF (AFNORTH) AF Auxiliary/CAP
2 UNCLASSIFIED Introduction The purpose of this brief is to provide guidance on the relaying of observed information and the taking of photographs / imagery during Air Force Assigned Missions (AFAM)
3 UNCLASSIFIED Basic Guidelines When Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is performing an AFAM all the information collection and imagery rules & regulations applicable to the Air Force apply to CAP All photos taken are the property of the AF and/or the requesting agency No personal photographs of people, missions, ground, aircraft unless expressly authorized to do so by the AF approval authority –No personal or Customer provided imaging equipment allowed on AFAMs unless expressly authorized by the AF approval authority
4 UNCLASSIFIED Basic Guidelines Information collection and imaging guidelines for Corporate missions are different from AFAM rules & regulations –Contact the National Operation Center for Imaging guidelines for Corporate missions CAP will not download, retain, store any of the imaging data taken on AFAMs on personal equipment such as: computers, flash drives, SD cards, web servers, etc unless specifically authorized by the appropriate agency CAP IC will ensure that a pre-brief covering imaging authorizations, restrictions, storage, and dissemination is conducted prior to all AFAM imaging missions
5 UNCLASSIFIED Privacy Act Restrictions Apply to Information Collection and Photographs Restrictions do not apply to Non-US Persons Identifying: recognizable features, name, SSN, unique title or other personal identifier. Address/location alone is not identifiable unless combined with other information that would personally identify a person Names or other identifying information (Chrysler Sebring) of vehicles, aircraft, or vessels are not US person information Prohibits collecting information or taking photographs of specific/identifiable U.S. persons or private property
6 UNCLASSIFIED Non-Identifying Information Information or unenhanced imagery from civil support missions for damage assessment obtained from 1,000 AGL or higher that include persons, vehicles, or vessels are not considered identifying Information or unenhanced imagery from law enforcement counterdrug spotting missions at 1,000 AGL or higher that include persons, vehicles, or vessels are not considered identifying.
7 UNCLASSIFIED Who are U.S. Persons Presumption regarding U.S. persons – A person or organization inside the U.S. shall be presumed to be a U.S. person unless specific information to the contrary is obtained. If a contact is detected in the U.S. and there is no evidence of a border crossing, then the contact is presumed to be a U.S. person U.S. persons can include an individual U.S. citizen, an unincorporated association composed of U.S. citizens or permanent resident aliens or a corporation incorporated in the U.S.
8 UNCLASSIFIED Border Missions Exception A contact is presumed to be a non-US person, if detected outside the US or there is evidence of a border crossing. In addition to persons, information and photos are authorized of identifiable vessels or vehicles, presumed to be owned by non-U.S. persons (see presumption above). So if customer (JTF-N, CBP, Sheriff, etc.) requests information or photographs of presumed non-US persons you can take them –No photographs without customer request
9 UNCLASSIFIED Search & Rescue (SAR) Exception During SAR missions, the presumption is that the target of the search has consented to observation and photography. –This presumption includes private property, vehicles and vessels So if customer (AFRCC, Sheriff, etc.) requests information or imagery of missing person(s) you can provide them –No photographs without customer request
10 UNCLASSIFIED Photograph Approval Process for Non-Border or Non-SAR Missions Cannot take images/photographs that would enable government to identify a specific US person Can take images/photographs of structures, forests, land, roads, rivers, dams, etc., as long as not identifiable with a specific US person Customer must request images/photographs Customer request must be approved by the Chief of Combat Operations (601 AOC/CCO) after coordination with the 601 AOC/JA.
11 UNCLASSIFIED Customer Coordination If image collection/photography is approved, CAP NOC will advise the customer that CAP will be taking images/photographs as requested. CAP NOC will advise the customer that the request for images/photographs includes an assumption of consent by the customer and its employees that their personnel may be photographed during the mission.
12 UNCLASSIFIED Imagery/Photograph Enhancement/Processing CAP will not analyze or enhance the imagery/photography. Enhancement is the deliberate altering, exploitation or manipulation of the original image with the purpose of increasing the level of visual detail for the viewer. Processing is the routine procedure involved in the collection and delivery of the image to the viewer in a useable format. –Adding orientation aids such as a compass/directional arrow or coordinates to the photo is not considered enhancement, it is part of processing. –Deleting poor quality images is part of processing
13 UNCLASSIFIED Imagery/Photography Dissemination All images/photographs are to be provided directly to customer through approved dissemination channels CAP and/or individual CAP members will not disseminate or post images taken on any AFAM to social networking websites such as Facebook, My Space, etc. without 1 st AF authorization and customer authorization. CAP and/or individual CAP members are not allowed to retain/store photographs –CAP NOC may request to retain specific photos –Written authorization is required from the customer and 1st AF
14 UNCLASSIFIED Scenario You are flying a 1 st AF approved AFAM post-hurricane imagery damage assessment mission for the Florida EOC. While photographing the hurricane damage, you notice vehicles and individuals in the area. –Can your official CAP photographs include the vehicles and individuals? A: YES. The primary subject of the photos is the storm damage. While any persons and their vehicles are presumed to be US persons, at 1000’ AGL or higher the photos will not have identifying information.
15 UNCLASSIFIED Scenario After taking the mission images with the CAP equipment, you want to document your mission. –Can you take a photo of the storm damage with your personal cell phone camera? –A: NO. Personal photography/personal devices are not authorized.
16 UNCLASSIFIED Scenario After landing, you want to prepare the imagery for delivery to Florida EOC representative. –Can you add a directional arrow and /or delete out of focus photos? –A: YES. Both are part of processing. –Can you use Photo Shop software to improve the view of damaged buildings in the photos? –NO. This would be considered enhancement. If the customer asks you to enhance the photos you can only do so after receiving specific authorization from 1 st AF.
17 UNCLASSIFIED Scenario After the mission, you want to document your Wing’s successful support to the Florida EOC. –Can you make a copy of mission photos from the SD card? –A: NO. The imagery belongs to Florida EOC and the photo must be officially requested and authorized for release. Your Wing received approval to use requested imagery to document its participation in the Hurricane response. –Your friends are excited about your exploits with CAP. Can you post the photos on your Facebook page? –A: NO. Authorization and release to the Wing is not the same as personal use on Facebook. You must receive authorization from CAP and the customer for any private use of the photos.
18 UNCLASSIFIED Summary No personal images/photographs during missions unless expressly authorized to do so No imaging equipment allowed on AFAMs unless expressly authorized Official Photographs can be taken only when authorized If issues or questions arise during a mission, contact the following for support: – CAP AFNORTH/LNO at – 601 AOC/JA