Module 12 RESTORE RESTORE ® External Hex Implant System Surgical Hands-On
Drill Series for Placement of 3.75mm Implant 1.6mm Drill 2.0mm Drill 3.0mm Drill Counter- Sink Drill 3.75mm Tap Cover Screw 3.75mm Implant 2.0/3.0mm Pilot Drill
Drill Depth Marking System Surgical Drill and Tap depth markings correspond to the RESTORE Implant lengths. 15mm implant 13mm implant 11.5mm implant 10mm implant 8mm implant Drill tips add up to 1mm. 10mm
Preparing the Implant Site
Surgical Guides Wax Set-up for Patient Approval Surgical Guide Created From Wax Set-up Surgical Guide Indicates Tooth Position (Guide Pins in Place) Surgical Guide in Place
Remove the 1.6 x 15mm Twist Drill 10mm
CAUTION: Always use copious irrigation when drilling. Drill the Implant Site to a Depth of 10mm Using the 1.6mm Twist Drill 10mm 1200 to 1800 rpm Recommended
Remove the 2.0mm Twist Drill 10mm
Drill the Implant Site to a Depth of 10mm Using the 2.0mm Twist Drill The drill must always point down the long axis of the implant site. 10mm
Remove the 2.0/3.0mm Pilot Drill
Drill the Implant Site Using the 2.0/3.0mm Pilot Drill 10mm
Remove the 3.0mm Twist Drill 10mm
Drill the Implant Site to a Depth of 10mm Using the 3.0mm Twist Drill Color-coded to Implant Diameter (silver) 10mm
Verify Angle and Depth of the Implant Site Take an x-ray with Depth Gauge in place to confirm implant site is not compromising any critical anatomical landmarks (mandibular nerve, floor of the sinus, etc.). These steps are optional during surgery. A Surgical Depth Probe (not included in training kit) may be used to verify the depth of the site after the 2.0mm Drill. A Depth Gauge may be used to verify the depth and angulation after the 3.0mm Drill.
Remove the Countersink Drill
Drill the Implant Site Using the Countersink Drill At the depth marking, the Countersink Drill is 4.1mm in diameter. The diameter of a 3.75mm implant at the “neck” is also 4.1mm. Drill to the depth marking.
When to Use Surgical Taps Required in Type I dense bone Optional in Type II and III bone Not recommended in Type IV soft bone
Bone Tapping Option 1: Motor-driven Tapping with a Handpiece
Remove the 3.75 x 13mm Tap 10mm
Tap the Implant Site to a Depth of 10mm Using the 3.75mm Tap rpm Maximum 10mm
Bone Tapping Option 2: Manual Tapping with a Surgical Ratchet
Remove Ratchet/Tap Adapter and Surgical Ratchet
Insert the Ratchet/Tap Adapter into the Surgical Ratchet
Manual Bone Tapping Option
Remove the 3.75 x 10mm Implant
Implant Delivery and Placement Option 1: Using a Handpiece
Remove the Handpiece Adapter
Insert the Handpiece Adapter into the Handpiece
Engage and Remove Implant from Vial and Carry to Implant Site CAUTION: Do not allow the implant to touch anything.
Partially Seat the Implant Using the Handpiece Use low speed for implant placement (25-50 rpm). Seat to approximately ¾ total depth.
Remove the Surgical Ratchet, Ratchet/Tap Adapter and Stabilizing Wrench
Insert the Ratchet/Tap Adapter into the Surgical Ratchet
Connect the Ratchet/Tap Adapter to Implant Placement Head Seat Stabilizing Wrench pin into the hole on the top side of Ratchet/Tap Adapter for added stability.
Completely Seat the Implant Seat implant to the depth marking located on the Placement Head. Insertion Depth
Implant Delivery and Placement Option 2: Using the Hand Adapter
Remove the Hand Adapter
Remove the Implant from the Vial with the Hand Adapter CAUTION: Do not allow the implant to touch anything.
Partially Seat the Implant
Remove the Surgical Ratchet, Ratchet/Tap Adapter and Stabilizing Wrench
Insert the Ratchet/Tap Adapter into the Surgical Ratchet
Connect the Ratchet/Tap Adapter to Implant Placement Head Seat Stabilizing Wrench pin into the hole on the top side of Ratchet/Tap Adapter for added stability.
Seat the Implant Seat implant to the depth marking located on the Placement Head. Insertion Depth
Removing the Placement Head
Remove the.048” Hex Driver and Stabilizing Wrench
Remove the Placement Head Seat the Stabilizing Wrench over the Placement Head for counter torque. Loosen the Placement Head Screw and remove.
Alternative: Remove the Placement Head using theHand Adapter The Placement Head can also be removed by inserting the.048” Hex Driver through the top of the Hand Adapter and loosening the Placement Head Screw.
Placing the Cover Screw
Remove the.035” Hex Driver
Unscrew the Cover Screw Using the.035” Hex Driver
Seat the Cover Screw onto the Implant Place the Cover Screw Implant placement is complete
Thank You!