How abstract components are created when reading a schema – an animation in 6 slides -- complexType with wildcard July 26, :00pm This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. org.eclipse.xsd XML Schema Infoset Model begin If not full screen, and not running in Internet Explorer, Press F5 to begin… © 2002 by IBM Corporation
Parse of a complexType definition and construction of the abstract schema components. Now let’s follow how the abstract schema components are built, by getting “blank” objects from XSDFactory, We’ll follow this example: setting their properties,and linking them to each other…
Parse of XSDComplexTypeDefinition name: targetNamespace: baseType: XSDFactory ct01 content: Note on notation: Method names used to connect components will appear on the next slide createXSDComplexTypeDefinition()
Parse of XSDComplexTypeDefinition name: targetNamespace: baseType: XSDFactory ct01 XSDParticle term: minOccurs: maxOccurs: content: XSDModelGroup compositor: particles: list XSDCompositor compositor: XSDCompositor. CHOICE Note on notation: -all 3 kinds of arrows mean the same thing, which is a reference. -A diamond at the source of an arrow indicates containment. -Remaining slides do not show Factory method calls setTerm() setCompositor() setContent( ) createXSDParticle() createXSDModelGroup()
Parse of XSDComplexTypeDefinition name: targetNamespace: baseType: XSDFactory ct01 XSDParticle term: minOccurs: maxOccurs: content: XSDModelGroup compositor: particles: list XSDCompositor compositor: XSDCompositor. CHOICE XSDParticle term: minOccurs: maxOccurs: XSDElementDeclaration name: targetNamespace: typeDefinition: isSetAnonymousTypeDefinition: false 2 3 inline getParticles().add() setContent() setTypeDefinition()
Parse of XSDComplexTypeDefinition name: targetNamespace: baseType: XSDFactory ct01 XSDParticle term: minOccurs: maxOccurs: content: XSDModelGroup compositor: particles: list XSDCompositor compositor: XSDCompositorC HOICE XSDParticle term: minOccurs: 2 maxOccurs: 3 XSDElementDeclaration name: inline targetNamespace: isSetAnonymousTypeDefinition: false typeDefinition: XSDParticle term: minOccurs: maxOccurs: XSDWildcard namespaceConstraint: XSDNamespaceConstraintCategory.NOT namespaceConstraintList:targetNamespace-of-this-schema getParticles().add() setContent()
Parse of XSDComplexTypeDefinition name: targetNamespace: baseType: ct01 XSDParticle term: minOccurs: maxOccurs: content: XSDModelGroup compositor: particles: list XSDCompositor compositor: XSDCompositor. CHOICE XSDParticle term: minOccurs: 2 maxOccurs: 3 XSDElementDeclaration Ma,e: inline targetNamespace: isSetAnonymousTypeDefinition: false typeDefinition : XSDParticle term: minOccurs: maxOccurs: XSDWildcard namespaceConstraint: XSDNamespaceConstraintCategory.NOT namespaceConstraintList: targetNamespace-of-this-schema XSDSchema contents: list now including ct01 getContents( ).add()