'where in the world' Future Career Intro to College Prep And Career Awareness
Career Goals and Steps to your Future Objective: You will brainstorm and gather information to evaluate what steps you need to take to achieve your career goals. DRILL: 1.Take a couple of minutes to close your eyes and imagine running your own ideal business or enterprise. Not necessarily profit-making in a conventional business sense - it can be a service of any sort; some people for example seek to be careers, or writers, or gardeners, or cooks, to have a shop or a cafe, or to teach others. It is important to emphasize that everyone - not just entrepreneurs - can follow their dreams. Visualizing and stating one's dreams helps greatly to make them happen. Think about and express personal dreams and passions relating to your ideal business or service activity or enterprise, which involves exploring their fulfilment of personal potential and strengths.
2. Write down your ideas: Provide as much detail as possible. 3. Close your eyes and think where in the world would you locate your business/service activity and why? 4. Describe the place in as much detail as you can.
There are no right or wrong answers – The activity is an opportunity for people to think and imagine possibilities for themselves beyond the constraints that often limit us and our fulfilment. What other ideas do you have for your future?
How can you achieve your goals? 1. What do you need to reach your goals? 2. What steps you need to take? 3. What certifications or degrees do you need? 4.Who can help you? 5.How can you make it happen?
College or Work Field~ What career is best for me? Objective: You will analyze career paths in order to determine what you might choose. DRILL: 1.List options for life after High School. Next to each one leave room for analyzing them. 2.List the pros and cons for each. 3.What do you want to do after High School? Why one or Why not the others?
Career Choices
Realistic - "The Do-ers" People who have athletic or mechanical ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants or animals, or to be outdoors. ARE YOU? Practical Thrifty Self-controlled Athletic Curious about the physical world Independent Straightforward/frank Stable Ambitious Mechanically inclined Concrete Systematic A nature lover Reserved Persistent
Social People who like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train, or cure them, or are skilled with words.
Artistic ~ "The Creators" People who have artistic, innovating or intuitional abilities and like to work in unstructured situations using their imagination and creativity. ARE YOU? Creative Independent Courageous Intuitive Eexpressive Open Imaginative Original Complicated Innovative Introspective Idealistic Unconventional Impulsive Nonconforming Emotional Sensitive
Choosing a College that is right for you: Objective: You will research tips and strategies for choosing a college in order to match your needs as a student. DRILL: 1.What are you looking for in a college? Size? Location? Major? 2.List some tips from the following slides and website to aid in your quest.
3 Tips for Choosing a College that Matches Your Needs 1. Pick up a College Guide A good college guide can help you choose a college by offering detailed school profiles. You'll learn about the programs offered, tuition costs, campus culture, and much more. College guides that I recommend include: Complete Book of Colleges, America's Best Value Colleges, and Best 361 Colleges 2. Visit the School's Website You can't choose a college without knowing what type of programs they offer. One of the easiest ways to get this info is through the school's website. 3. Talk to College Students If you want to get the skinny on a college, you need to talk to one or more of the people who attend the school. They can give you the type of information that you'll never find in a college brochure.Complete Book of CollegesAmerica's Best Value Colleges Best 361 Colleges
Choosing the Perfect College ollege/ss/Choosing-The-Perfect- College.htm Click on the site above to view 15 traits to look for in your perfect college.
Low Student / Faculty Ratio Drawing by Laura Reyome
Websites for finding a college:
Request Applications: 1.Use the websites to find a college. 1.Based on location 2.Based on major 3.Based on interests 2.Request an application.
Financial Aid for College (You might be surprised who is eligible.) Objective: You will analyze facts about financial aid in college in order for you to increase your awareness. DRILL: 1.Read the statements and answer true or false on the worksheet. 2.We will learn the answers. 3.What is FASFA?
Financial Aid Free Money Activity Human Barometer Students are to stand if they identify with the statement. Please stand up if: 1.You lost a family member on 9/11 2.You have parents in the military 3.You have done voluntary community service 4.You are the first person in your family to go to college 5.Your write poetry, short stories are engage in creative arts
Stand up if: 6. You are considered a minority. (NON-WHITE black, Hispanic, Asian, East Indian) 7. You come from a low income household. 8. You are a non-citizen of the United States. 9. You are 22 years old or older. 10. You want to major in math, science, engineering, technology or foreign language. 11. You are a young woman. 12. You are a minority male.
Scholarships/ Grants
Vocabulary: ◦Fee waiver ◦FASFA ◦Personal statement ◦EOP, HEOP, SEEK