Suzy Berryman CSFO Lawrence County Board of Education
Federal Programs Director/ Bookkeeper Superintendent Board Approval Purchasing Department Federal Programs Director/ Bookkeeper CSFO/ Business Manager Approval Process often requires numerous approvals before final approval
CSFO provides Harris with current approval paths for purchase orders Harris sets up routing rules to define the path for the purchase orders to follow in the approval process Each individual responsible for approving purchase orders will have their own unique Nextgen user id and password Nextgen user id identifies authority to approve a purchase order with given criteria Notification sent by for pending purchase orders
To approve purchase orders, use “Routing Document Approval” Double Click on purchase order number to view purchase order Check box beside Purchase order to approve Click “Approve” box Click “Save” Once a purchase order has final approval, the approved purchase order is ed back to the originator
Click on box beside purchase order to reject Click “Reject” box Box will appear to explain reason for void “Accept” explanation Click “Save” The rejected purchase order is then ed to the originator with explanation
No paper shuffling to reduce opportunities to be lost notification for pending purchase order Electronically routed to reduce travel and delays in approval Increased internal controls Only authorized user id can approve purchase orders Purchase orders shown as encumbrances on budget analysis report once approved
Requisitions can also be submitted through Nextgen and routed for approval to initiate purchase order Can scan paper requisitions or other documents and attach to purchase order in Nextgen Invoices are attached to approved purchase order when entered for payment
Access to “Budget Analysis Report” can be given to any Nextgen user Allows user to view up to date budget any time Nextgen is available If purchase orders are routed and approved in Nextgen, open purchase orders are included in encumbrance column to show up to date balances More efficient monitoring of budget
Suzy Berryman, CSFO Lawrence County Board of Education (256) x237