Photoshop Review What we need to know
Image>Image size A panel in Photoshop where you can see the size and resolution of your image.
Resolution The amount of detail in an image. Digital images are measured by the number of pixels per inch (ppi). For printing, resolution is measured by the number of dots printed in a linear inch (dpi). The higher the resolution, the larger the file size.
Selection A selection is a part of an image selected for manipulation of any kind—duplication in a layer, color correction, deletion, rotation, and so on. The selection consists of all the pixels—fully or partially selected— contained within the selection boundary.
To Change a Selection Select>Modify>Expand will add a border of pixels to your selection at the size that your choose. Select>Modify>Contract will evenly reduce your selection by the the number of pixels you choose. Select>Modify>Feather will soften the edges of your selection to allow for better blending.
Layer Mask A mask that is added to the layer that allows you to show all or very little of the image without damaging the original pixels of the image. Layer masks use only white, black, and all the shades of gray in between (white, black and gray) to control the transparency of a layer. White in a layer mask means 100% visible. Black in a layer mask means 100% transparent (invisible).
Adjustment Layer A layer that lets you apply color and tonal adjustments to your image without permanently changing pixel values. Use adjustment layers to experiment with color and color tones. You can think of an adjustment layer as a veil through which the underlying layers are seen.
Clipping Mask A clipping mask is a group of layers to which a mask is applied. The bottommost layer, or base layer, defines the visible boundaries of the entire group.
Transform Edit>Transform or Command T To scale, shrink, enlarge, skew, distort, rotate, or change the perspective of a layer, selection, or shape.
Warp Edit>Transform>Warp To distort an image, often text, but can be an image, to conform to a variety of shapes.
Vignette Vignetting is a reduction of an image's brightness or saturation at its edges compared to its center. The result is an image that is clear in the center, and fades out at the edges. Select All; Edit>Fill> 50% gray; Change Blending mode to soft light; Lens Correction>Custom> Vignette>-100,0
Perspective The appearance of things relative to one another as determined by their distance from the viewer