Lesson Study Lesson study is a particular form of job-embedded professional development that involves collaborative discourse among teachers over an extended period of time. Lesson study occurs in cycles, which include deliberate attention to collaborative planning, observation, analysis, and reflection.
Lesson Study Lesson study aligns well with existing initiatives including: Florida Continuous Improvement Model (FCIM) Differentiated Accountability (DA) Race to the Top (RTTT) Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM)
Apples and Oranges For Hillsborough County Public Schools (HCPS), training and implementation of lesson study have been supported in essentially two different forms.
1 2 3 Lesson Study is a PROCESS, not a DESTINATION
Personnel from the Curriculum & Instruction content areas approached the training and implementation of lesson study as: Hands-on Facilitated Externally Driven Sustained
Professional Development, on the other hand, approached lesson study as: Hands-off Train-the-Trainer Site Driven Sustained
Understandings, Implications, and Recommendations
Understanding These 2 approaches did not foster a common understanding of lesson study throughout the district. Depending on who was involved, lesson study practices varied from site to site. Teachers were less confident in their ability to participate in lesson study.
Implications Participants in lesson study took away very different pictures of lesson study. The sustainability of lesson study at district sites was contingent upon what practices were used.
Implications To some extent, reliance upon external facilitation of the lesson study does not embed necessary norms at the site to sustain the effort. Some combination of in- depth training and recurring facilitation represents the ideal progression of lesson study.
Implications Administrative support and commitment have a strong influence on the motivation of faculty to participate in lesson study.
Recommendations As the district transitions to new standards with increased rigor, the lesson study process may prove particularly helpful in combining new instructional strategies and technology in an applied setting.
Recommendations Develop a brochure that demonstrates the how the lesson study process aligns with the new teacher evaluation rubric to encourage teacher participation.
Recommendations Identify a cadre of external authorities who can serve in this capacity for sites engaging in lesson study. Curriculum & Instruction (CI) Professional Development (PD) Area Leadership Directors (ALD) Principal Coaches This will look different than the training and facilitation processes currently used and should include session logs that will help ensure fidelity of lesson study and goal alignment, while reinforcing the role of the external authority.
Recommendations Encourage the use of lesson study among sites with new administrators or large groups of new teachers as this will further support existing reforms in principal development and mentoring.
Recommendations Last, but not least, an introductory lesson study course was developed and implemented through Moodle so that participants would be introduced to some essential content and have a shared understanding.
Results The online course was developed and offered to all teachers. Evaluations from these individuals have been favorable, and anecdotal feedback suggests greater understanding.
Lesson Study Course Feedback “I believe lesson study should be implemented all over. It is a way to provide answers to questions that have been pending for a long time because people are collaborating and using information to further instruction.” “Having benefitted from lesson study it would be nice if this became the norm and was more readily recognized by administration allocating time to collaboratively implement, debrief, revise lessons at all levels. “I’m so glad that I took this course. I can’t wait to Implement a lesson study as a PLC. I think our Students would greatly benefit if the teachers did this.” “Lesson Study should be implemented immediately.”
Lesson Study Course Feedback “I am a firm believer in this process. Not only is it destined to produce results in student achievement, but I can see an opportunity for teacher to begin to be looked at as true professionals in the practice of education.” “I am confidant that because we have the EET Rubric, PLC Lesson Study and reflection serves as a springboard appraisal and scores so everyone wins. Student scores go up, student attendance is up because lesson are more meaningful and teachers become true facilitators.” “This course will be a game changer for me.” “If we used this approach in our lessons, everyone wins, especially the students.”
Course Outline Lesson Study Outline Benefits of Using Lesson Study How is Lesson Study Different from Other Collaborative Activities Roles of PLC Members In Lesson Study
Course Outline Preparing a Lesson Determining Data Collections Presenting the Lesson Lesson Debrief Lesson Study Connections to Evaluation Rubric
The Happy Medium Shared Understanding Site Based Support Teacher Practice
Next Steps Continue to collaborate with Curriculum and Instruction Offer support to school sites for increased implementation Provide multiple online sessions to accommodate demand