The Puritans
Who were the Puritans? Their movement began in the 16 th and 17 th centuries Their movement began in the 16 th and 17 th centuries Although they preferred to be called “the godly,” they were given the name “Puritans” for their struggle to reform or purify the Church of England Although they preferred to be called “the godly,” they were given the name “Puritans” for their struggle to reform or purify the Church of England Unable to purify the Church from within, they chose to withdraw from the Church, earning them the name Separatists Unable to purify the Church from within, they chose to withdraw from the Church, earning them the name Separatists
Two Types of Puritans: Separatists aka Pilgrims Held irreconcilable differences with the Church of England; they thought the Church was corrupt and that they must distance themselves from it Held irreconcilable differences with the Church of England; they thought the Church was corrupt and that they must distance themselves from it Were persecuted under various monarchies in England Were persecuted under various monarchies in England First fled from England to Holland First fled from England to Holland Later, came to found the Plymouth Colony in America in 1620 Later, came to found the Plymouth Colony in America in 1620Non-Separatists Held less extreme views of the Church of England Held less extreme views of the Church of England Believed in church reform rather than an overthrow of the church Believed in church reform rather than an overthrow of the church Came to America in 1630 and founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony Came to America in 1630 and founded the Massachusetts Bay Colony
Doctrine of Election / Predestination: Man is innately sinful; original sin means that we are incapable of any wickedness Man is innately sinful; original sin means that we are incapable of any wickedness Only those who are chosen by God (the elect) are saved; salvation is not based on your beliefs or good works Only those who are chosen by God (the elect) are saved; salvation is not based on your beliefs or good works The grace of Christ allows the chosen the strength to follow the will of God The grace of Christ allows the chosen the strength to follow the will of God The chosen will follow the path of righteousness The chosen will follow the path of righteousness
Predestination continued… No one knew who was or was not saved. Puritans believed that you must have a conversion experience in order to be accepted by God. No one knew who was or was not saved. Puritans believed that you must have a conversion experience in order to be accepted by God. God’s grace was given to the chosen, and this grace was demonstrated through one’s behavior. Puritans would, therefore, reflect upon themselves (self-examination) for signs of this grace. E God’s grace was given to the chosen, and this grace was demonstrated through one’s behavior. Puritans would, therefore, reflect upon themselves (self-examination) for signs of this grace. E Even though they did not believe good works helped one get into heaven, they believed that living a godly life was evidence of being chosen. Even though they did not believe good works helped one get into heaven, they believed that living a godly life was evidence of being chosen.
As a result of their belief in predestination, Puritans: Believed that human beings exist for the glory of God and that the Bible was the sole expression of God’s will Believed that human beings exist for the glory of God and that the Bible was the sole expression of God’s will Were always looking for signs from God Were always looking for signs from God Scrutinized daily events Scrutinized daily events Thought there was always a reason for everything Thought there was always a reason for everything Felt that God’s hand was in everything, no matter how insignificant Felt that God’s hand was in everything, no matter how insignificant
Puritan Beliefs & Values: Puritans believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible Puritans believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible They believed in explicit readings of the Bible, as opposed to church doctrines They believed in explicit readings of the Bible, as opposed to church doctrines They did not believe in excess worship; they wanted no rituals, adornments, no stained glass, no cushioned pews, no singing, and no music They did not believe in excess worship; they wanted no rituals, adornments, no stained glass, no cushioned pews, no singing, and no music They wanted to keep things simple so that they could concentrate on God They wanted to keep things simple so that they could concentrate on God There is a constant struggle between the forces of God and Satan There is a constant struggle between the forces of God and Satan God rewards the good and punishes the wicked God rewards the good and punishes the wicked
Education & Work Ethic: They believed in living a virtuous, self- examined life They believed in living a virtuous, self- examined life They believed in strict discipline and had a strong work ethic – Puritan Ethic They believed in strict discipline and had a strong work ethic – Puritan Ethic They felt that qualities that led to economic success were virtuous They felt that qualities that led to economic success were virtuous They valued education They valued education Harvard was founded in 1636 to train ministers Harvard was founded in 1636 to train ministers They wanted their children to get far away from the evils of England They wanted their children to get far away from the evils of England Children were not allowed to play games; boys were taught to go hunting and fishing, while girls were taught how to run a household Children were not allowed to play games; boys were taught to go hunting and fishing, while girls were taught how to run a household Women were considered less capable intellectually, physically, theologically, and morally (Eve was the first sinner) Women were considered less capable intellectually, physically, theologically, and morally (Eve was the first sinner) Literature for pleasure was highly suppressed Literature for pleasure was highly suppressed
Puritan Literature & Writings: They did not write for pleasure or entertainment. One reason was the fact that they were struggling to built their settlement. Another reason was the fact that they considered works of fiction and drama frivolous and possibly immoral/sinful. They did not write for pleasure or entertainment. One reason was the fact that they were struggling to built their settlement. Another reason was the fact that they considered works of fiction and drama frivolous and possibly immoral/sinful. Types of texts: Types of texts: - historical documents: preserving their history and offering justifications to relieve the guilt they felt over offering justifications to relieve the guilt they felt over leaving relatives behind in England leaving relatives behind in England - personal journals: as tools for self-reflection/ examination and as a way to look for signs of salvation examination and as a way to look for signs of salvation - poetry: but only if it was highly inspired by religious beliefs (displays of romantic love were unacceptable) beliefs (displays of romantic love were unacceptable) - religious pamphlets and hymns
The Great Awakening A series of religious revivals as a reaction against new freedoms and a decline in Puritanism during the early 1700s A series of religious revivals as a reaction against new freedoms and a decline in Puritanism during the early 1700s Attracted thousands of converts but did little to revive old-fashioned Puritanism Attracted thousands of converts but did little to revive old-fashioned Puritanism Regardless, Puritan ideals of hard work, frugality, self-improvement, and self-reliance are still regarded as basic American virtues Regardless, Puritan ideals of hard work, frugality, self-improvement, and self-reliance are still regarded as basic American virtues
Puritan Plain Style: Plain Style: a mode of expression characterized by its clarity, accessibility, straightforwardness, simplicity, and lack of ornamentation. Plain Style: a mode of expression characterized by its clarity, accessibility, straightforwardness, simplicity, and lack of ornamentation. Rejected ornamental decorations as unnecessary and as a sign of sinful vanity. Plain stylists worked to glorify God in their expressions rather than to show off their own artistry or claim any renown for themselves. Rejected ornamental decorations as unnecessary and as a sign of sinful vanity. Plain stylists worked to glorify God in their expressions rather than to show off their own artistry or claim any renown for themselves.
Bandwagon Effect Well documented form of groupthink Well documented form of groupthink As more people begin to believe in something, others also “hop on the bandwagon” regardless of any underlying evidence. As more people begin to believe in something, others also “hop on the bandwagon” regardless of any underlying evidence.
Bandwagon Effect Example: Example: “New World” becomes “New Eden” “New World” becomes “New Eden” Reports spread about the new world and were mainly exaggerations Reports spread about the new world and were mainly exaggerations People “hopped on the bandwagon” because they were desperate for a better world. People “hopped on the bandwagon” because they were desperate for a better world. Because of this, more people begin to arrive and more permanent settlements were established Because of this, more people begin to arrive and more permanent settlements were established
Apostrophe A figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses a person who is dead or physically not present, a personified object, a non-human thing, or an abstract concept, such as God. A figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses a person who is dead or physically not present, a personified object, a non-human thing, or an abstract concept, such as God. Example: “To My Dear and Loving Husband” Example: “To My Dear and Loving Husband”
Literary Conceit A literary and rhetorical term for an elaborate or strained figure of speech, usually a metaphor or simile. A literary and rhetorical term for an elaborate or strained figure of speech, usually a metaphor or simile.figure of speechmetaphorsimilefigure of speechmetaphorsimile a fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor that takes a great deal of thought and is played out over a large space. It is not too obvious, usually associated w/ metaphysical poetry. (Edward Taylor’s poem “Huswifery”) a fanciful, particularly clever extended metaphor that takes a great deal of thought and is played out over a large space. It is not too obvious, usually associated w/ metaphysical poetry. (Edward Taylor’s poem “Huswifery”)
“Self” They always believed they could improve themselves (the “self”) to help the community and be the people they were intended to be. They always believed they could improve themselves (the “self”) to help the community and be the people they were intended to be. Connection to hyphens: Connection to hyphens: Self-esteem ( a respect for oneself) Self-esteem ( a respect for oneself) Self-assured (be sure of oneself) Self-assured (be sure of oneself) Self-examination (reflect on oneself) Self-examination (reflect on oneself) Self-discipline (avoid sin and temptation) Self-discipline (avoid sin and temptation)