Germany seconds to describe as many words as you can to your partner… no “sounds like” / “rhymes with” max 3 passes
Germany seconds to describe as many words as you can to your partner… no “sounds like” / “rhymes with” max 3 passes 1:000:590:580:570:560:550:540:530:520:510:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:210:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:01End1:00
LO: to explain how successfully the Nazis used the 1936 Olympics as propaganda Starter: how could the Olympics be… (i)good for the Nazis? (ii)Difficult or dangerous for the Nazis?
The Master Race: Berlin Olympics Jesse Owens Berlin 1936: The Nazi Olympics Jesse Owens & Luz Long The hand-shaking incident
1936 Olympics Medals Table
Read page 165 in Walsh and answer questions 2-5. Explain your answers (so that they are helpful to you when you have to revise this in the future!)
Source 17 disapproves of the Nazis’ use of the Games for propaganda… CONTENT: It shows the foreign competitors with nose rings – being led as if they are cattle CONTEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE: The rings are the Olympic Rings, showing that the Games are being misused by Goebbels
3: A propaganda success? 49 nations saw the modern technology of the Olympic stadium e.g. the television cameras and timing devices Very efficient organisation The architecture, size and facilities of the stadium itself Germany came top of the medal table
4: A failure? Visitors were worried by the fanatical devotion the Germans showed to Hitler… … and by the army and SS everywhere. Above all, Jesse Owens’ 4 gold medals and 11 world records proved that Aryan people were not superior to black people.
5: Why was propaganda more successful in Germany? a)because Germany people had been brainwashed for three years b)because life in Germany in had been very bad and Germans were grateful to Hitler for the ‘recovery’ he brought to Germany c)because no access to alternative / foreign news
Do a Berlin Olympics Propaganda Poster or… End of Rise of Evil...