Chapter 20 Chapter Objectives Electric Field Magnetic Forces, Poles, Fields Magnetic Domains Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields Electromagnets Magnetic Force on Moving Charged Particles Magnetic Force on Current Carrying Wires Earth’s Magnetic Field Warm-Up List 3 ways our Earth is protected from the UV waves that come from the sun.
Electric Field
Magnetic Domains Magnetic domains Magnetized clusters of aligned magnetic atoms Permanent magnets made by placing pieces of iron or similar magnetic materials in a strong magnetic field. stroking material with a magnet to align the domains.
Magnetic Domains Difference between permanent magnet and temporary magnet Permanent magnet – alignment of domains remains once external magnetic field is removed Temporary magnet – alignment of domains returns to random arrangement once external magnetic field is removed
Magnetic Domains
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Chapter 20 Chapter Objectives Electric Field Magnetic Forces, Poles, Fields Magnetic Domains Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields Electromagnets Magnetic Force on Moving Charged Particles Magnetic Force on Current Carrying Wires Earth’s Magnetic Field Warm-Up What did we do to the domains in the sewing needle to make it a magnetic compass?
Moving charges (electrons) in a magnetic field
Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields
Uses – control charged-particle beams in high-energy accelerators – lift automobiles and other iron objects – levitate and propel high-speed trains – MRIs – Loudspeakers – Motors – generators
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Chapter 20 Chapter Objectives Electric Field Magnetic Forces, Poles, Fields Magnetic Domains Electric Currents and Magnetic Fields Electromagnets Magnetic Force on Moving Charged Particles Magnetic Force on Current Carrying Wires Earth’s Magnetic Field Warm-Up Did Edison really invent the light bulb? Explain Any idea who Topsy the elephant was? earch?q=edison+and+elephant +ac+current&&view=detail&m id=4CAF7E60AFA3837F4A7E4C AF7E60AFA3837F4A7E&rvsmi d=8D30135B038BA48C76668D 30135B038BA48C7666&FORM =VDFSRV&fsscr=0 earch?q=edison+and+elephant +ac+current&&view=detail&m id=4CAF7E60AFA3837F4A7E4C AF7E60AFA3837F4A7E&rvsmi d=8D30135B038BA48C76668D 30135B038BA48C7666&FORM =VDFSRV&fsscr=0
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