U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Webinar Date: February 23, 2016 Presenters: Susan Hyatt and Justine Murray U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration SUSTAINABILITY Planning for the Future
2 Maisha Meminger Division of Youth Services U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Moderator
Core Element 5: Program Sustainability Capacity to sustain program activities beyond the program’s grant period of performance including a fully descriptive and effective sustainability plan Professional development plan for program staff leading to sustainability beyond the period of performance 3
4 As a result of the webinar, you will: 1.Know the four pillars of a strong sustainability plan 2.Know the process to follow to build your case for support 3.Identify your next steps in sustainability planning Session Objectives
Webinar Agenda 5 1.Sustainability Overview 2.Building Your Case for Support 3.Elements of an Effective Sustainability Plan – the Four Pillars 4.Planning to Plan
6 Susan Hyatt Justine Murray Big Purpose Big Impact Justine Murray Associates Presenters
Ability to continue to meet the needs of the people served by the program…. beyond the life of specific grants or with diminishing support. NOTE: Often defined narrowly as fundraising. However, fundraising alone does not guarantee sustainability. 7 What is Sustainability?
8 Four Pillars of Sustainability
9 Sustainability Myths
10 Sustainability Myths
11 Sustainability Myths
12 Sustainability Myths
13 Sustainability = Mindset + Strategic Action
14 What to Sustain?
Youth CareerConnect Partnerships 15 Youth Career Connect EmployersHigher Ed CBO - Nonprofits Schools Workforce Investment Boards Parents & Students
16 Our Specific Contribution Partner A Contribution Partner C Contribution Partner B Contribution 2. Joint Plan for Sustaining the Collective Impact 1. Plan to Sustain Your Unique Contribution Two Prong Sustainability Strategy
If you don’t have the resources to sustain EVERYTHING, what are the priority components of YCC you want to ensure “live on”? Integrated Academic and Career Focused Learning Career Counseling Certifications Post Secondary Credits Career Development Supportive Services Other - What else specifically? What to Sustain?
18 1.What is specific local need that YCC addresses? 2.How are you responding to meet the need? 3.What is your track record? (or goal) Building Your Case for Support
19 4.What’s the win-win? Why should others want to actively support your efforts? 5.How do your offerings align with other community programs? What’s unique? What’s not? 6.What are the barriers to change?
20 Possible Types Dollars/Grants In Kind Donations Pro Bono Services Fee for Service Other? Source Options Individuals Local foundations Government grants Workplace giving Business partnerships Corporate foundations Legislative budget Civic organizations and clubs Pillar 1: Resource Development
Pillar 2: Internal Support 21 Do people inside your organization fully understand the YCC initiative and how it fits within your overall organizational mission? Do they understand how your efforts fit into the bigger picture? How active is the support you receive? Do key decision makers advocate for what you are doing?
22 Do you have: Buy-In from Key Decision Makers Operational Support Financial Support Management Systems Other? Internal Support
Questions to Consider 23 What do we bring to the YCC table? What’s our unique contribution? What does being part of this initiative bring to our organization? Who currently sees the value of what it takes to be part of this? Who else needs to be actively on board? Who else needs to know the basics? What’s our plan for strengthening our internal support?
24 Collaborators Sources of Resources Advocates Pillar 3: Partnerships
Types of YCC Partnerships 25 Youth Career Connect EmployersHigher Ed CBO - Nonprofits Schools Workforce Investment Boards Parents & Students
26 Think Beyond the “Usual Suspects”
27 Identify specific need(s) - why is it important? What options for where or who? Can you make a case that links (at least parts of) your mission to theirs? What benefit do you offer them? Is it win-win? How can you engage with them starting now? Partnership Planning
Why Businesses Get Involved : Support our community, give back Use skills, resources and influence to help make real change. Better our community. We live here! 28 Think Beyond ‘Employers’ to Other Companies
29 Basic Business Benefits
Pillar 4: Outreach 30 Do you actively share what you are doing and why? If not…it is a missed opportunity to get additional support. What’s the community problem you are the solution to? (DOL statistics, etc.) What do you do? What’s the “sexy” summary? What is your track record? What are success stories? Why should we care? WIIFM
31 How will you use the various outreach materials? What do you want people TO DO after reading or seeing it? What’s Your Purpose?
32 Businesses Nonprofits Schools/universities Foundations Parents Students Tailor your message to the specific interests of your audience Who’s Your Audience?
Tips for Outreach 33 Clarify desired role for each potential audience Spell out the win-win Promote active involvement Create consistent brand image Use mix of channels for partner outreach
34 Print Materials Website/Web page Speaking Social Media Mass Media Public Relations ‘Elevator’ Pitch Other? Multiple Channels for Outreach
Leave Behind PURPOSE: Informational handout to raise community awareness about the volunteer fire department no particular call to action 35 Example 1
36 Partnership Flyer PURPOSE: to recruit community partners for a local volunteer fire department Example 2
37 Junior Membership trifold brochure PURPOSE: to recruit young volunteer fire fighters Example 3
38 Internal Support Partnership Development Marketing & Outreach Resource Development Current Pillar Strengths
Key Takeaways 39 1.Sustainability is a mindset plus strategic action over time. 2.Think on two levels - sustainability of your piece of the pie AND the collective 3.Tailor sustainability plan – your specific context, what needs to be sustained, and strengths/gaps. 4.Start now - focus on the pillar where you can get most traction for your time first
Key Takeaways 40 1.Be proactive - keep key players in your organization informed 2.Think out of the box – it can open doors to new partnerships and resources. 3.Think beyond ‘employers’ - other companies have resources and care about training future workforce 4.Tailor outreach regardless of channel used – clarify purpose/what you want people to do and what their interests are
41 Step 1: Based on how you are doing in each pillar, prioritize which one or two pillars you want to focus on immediately. (Ultimately you need to do all four!) Step 2: Complete the corresponding worksheet for that pillar in your packet – perhaps in dialogue with others at your organization. (If you have time, go ahead and complete the other worksheets.) Step 3: We will be setting up smaller group calls – grantees, DOL staff, Sue, and Justine – to have a deeper dive dialogue to help you apply these sustainability concepts to your specific context. Next Steps and Homework
Reflection and Reminder 42 What was your biggest ahaa from today’s webinar? What were your key learnings about sustainability? What is something new you are now want to do?
Additional Resources 43 Funding Career Pathways and Career Pathway Bridges: A Federal Policy Toolkit – CLASP How to Write the Sustainability Section of a Grant Proposal abi.htm Toolkit for Program Sustainability sustainability-capacity-building-and-volunteer- recruitmentmanagement
44 Please enter your questions in the Chat Room!
45 U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration 200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-4456 Washington, DC CONTACT US
U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration N EXT TRAININGS : March 23 rd 3pm ET: Apprenticeships April 19 th 2:30pm ET: Social Media Planning
Thank you! 47