“A Modest Proposal” Jonathan Swift
Satire “Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society by using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule. It intends to improve humanity by criticizing its follies and foibles. A writer in a satire uses fictional characters, which stand for real people, to expose and condemn their corruption.” “A writer may point a satire toward a person, a country or even the entire world. Usually, a satire is a comical piece of writing which makes fun of an individual or a society to expose its stupidity and shortcomings. In addition, he hopes that those he criticizes will improve their characters by overcoming their weaknesses.”
Satire Sometimes misunderstood, thought to be serious (i.e. thinking Swift was really proposing cannibalism) Satire uses… Irony Exaggeration Sarcasm Parody Analogy
Examples of Satire Examples from modern life: The Daily Show The Colbert Report South Park The Onion
Background Info At this time, 1729, and for many years afterward, Ireland (not an independent country) was far poorer than England. Most people born there were Roman Catholics and employed as agricultural laborers or tenant farmers. The landlords (landowners) were paid from the produce of the land, at rates which the workers could rarely afford. This ruling class were usually Protestants. Many of them were not born in Ireland, nor did they live there permanently. If the laborers lost their work, there would always be other poor people to take it up. Starvation was common.
Study Questions What is the problem that Swift addresses? What is the main source of the problem? Who, according to Swift, should have a statue set up to honor him? What are some of the benefits that Swift claims his proposal will have for several different types of people? Wealthy? Poor? Parents? Children? What do you think is the most convincing point Swift makes? Why? What point does Swift make about religion?
Study Questions Cont’d 1. What is the motivation for the landlords? 2. What, other than eating, can “thrifty” folks do with the children? 3. How does Swift appeal to the wealthy? 4. What is the religious argument?
Study Questions Cont’d What point does Swift make about expecting mothers? What claim does Swift make about other proposals? What is the point of Swift’s last paragraph? What is Swift satirizing?
Classwork In the assigned pairs, develop a “Modest Proposal” of your own and write a satirical solution to a problem at Gilman. (12-15 sentences) Establish the problem and explain the specific types of suffering Introduce the solution and explain the reasons why the solution is good Detail the beneficiaries of the specific solution Develop a neat and ironic ending Mimic the voice of Swift but weave this in with your own creative voice POST TO MOODLE FORUM—we will read aloud