Corporate slide master With guidelines for corporate presentations Briefing for supply agencies on statutory induction
Background and context of statutory induction in Wales Statutory induction for all newly qualified teachers (NQTs) in Wales was introduced in September 2003 and applies to all teachers who gain their qualified teacher status (QTS) after 1 April 2003 In September 2011 the Professional Standards for Educational Practitioners in Wales were introduced and these include the Practising Teacher Standards (PTS) which are the relevant standards for NQTs (circular 020/2011, September 2011) (
Purpose of statutory induction The purpose of statutory induction is to: Ensure that teachers entering the teaching profession in Wales are of the highest quality Build on the experiences gained in initial teacher education and training (ITET) Provide all NQTs with the opportunity to develop their practice by focusing on the requirements set out in the Practising Teacher Standards Ensure that all NQTs in Wales are assessed against the Practising Teacher Standards Prepare all NQTs for their career as a teacher by establishing the skills and behaviours that they need to build on throughout their career Ensure that all NQTs focus on the priorities of literacy, numeracy, reducing the link between poverty and attainment Ensure that all NQTs understand the implications of Professor Graham Donaldson’s recommendations in Successful Futures Ensure that all NQTs develop their skills in reflective practice, effective collaboration, coaching and mentoring and effective use of data and research evidence during the induction period
The induction arrangements are designed to establish: Consistency in structure and support Flexibility within different patterns of employment High quality of experience for NQTs Fair and equitable process Rigorous and consistent assessment Short Term Supply (STS) Induction can be undertaken by NQTs who have a permanent contract, a temporary contact or are working as short term supply teachers All NQTs must complete an induction period in order to be eligible to teach in a maintained school in Wales The statutory induction requirements are the same for all NQTs
Induction in Wales can only take place in: - maintained schools - non-maintained special schools - independent schools that meet specific criteria: *The curriculum for any primary learner meets the NC requirements *the curriculum for learners at KS3 and 4 includes all core and foundation subjects *an agreement has been reached prior to the start of the induction period between the school and the Local Authority (LA) that they will act as the Appropriate Body (AB) It is recommended that where the above criteria are met, NQTs who undertake induction at an independent institution register with the Education Workforce Council (EWC) in the category of school teacher.
- Further education (FE) institutions: *where the institution is able to provide an NQT with an appropriate post to enable them to undertake their induction *an agreement has been reached prior to the start of the induction period between the FE institution and the LA that they will act as the AB *Staff responsible for supervising, training and assessing NQTs at FE institutions must have regard to all the statutory induction guidance *The FE institute should ensure that the NQT has a timetable of no more than 90% of the normal average teaching timetable to allow induction to take place
*no more than 10% of the NQT’s teaching should be devoted to teaching classes of learners predominantly aged 19 and over *The NQT who undertake their induction in a FE institution must register with the EWC in the category of school teacher for the duration of their induction period - a school or further education institution in England if it would count towards induction period under England’s induction regulations
Induction Timescale 380 sessions to evidence meeting all the PTS or 3 complete terms working full time One school session is defined as one morning or one afternoon of employment in a school All school sessions as a qualified teacher must count towards induction Sessions must be signed off by headteacher or senior leader at the school where the sessions took place No time limit to completing the 380 sessions but must provide evidence of meeting all the PTS by completion of 380 sessions From January 2016 External Mentors (EMs) are allocated to NQTs once the EWC are in receipt of the NQT’s ‘Induction notification as a short term supply form’
Key Aspects of the Process NQT must register with the EWC for induction to begin Supervision and assessment against PTS Support will be provided by External Mentor, Appropriate Body, school and agency NQT must gather evidence that they meet all the PTS. Short term supply teachers are able to evidence all of the practicing teacher standards EM will monitor, review progress and verify sessions EM will make a recommendation to the AB whether the NQT has passed, failed, or requires an extension to their induction AB will make the final decision including considering the evidence provided in all parts of the Induction Profile
Key Aspects of the Process continued The PTS should be evidenced throughout the statutory induction period The external mentor will provide advice on how to evidence the standards in collaboration with the school, School Based Mentor (SBM) where appropriate, and agency Some standards will require regular or sustained teaching in one setting in order to provide secure evidence NQTs need liaise with schools and agencies to ensure they secure evidence for these standards by prioritising them when they have regular or sustained teaching sessions in a school.
Short term supply teachers must take responsibility for: Registering with EWC Logging all school sessions with EWC, within 10 days of completion Completing Section 1, 2A and 3 of their induction profile Ensuring that sessions are verified at Section 4 of the induction profile by the Headteacher/senior leader at the school before the short term supply teacher leaves the school
What is the role of agencies?
The Agency Ensure agency staff: understand that STS NQTs must undertake induction and have an awareness of the arrangements for statutory induction know where to signpost the NQT to get information and access professional learning resources e.g. EWC and Consortia websites, Learning Wales and Hwb, sign up to Dysg provide training to STS NQTs that reflects Welsh Government national priorities are aware that all schools have a duty to provide support to all NQTs undertaking induction including those sourced from an agency where possible advise STS NQTs to work regularly or for a sustained period in one school
In relation to NQTs Ensure agency staff: understand that STS NQTs can undertake statutory induction and that all periods of employment as a qualified teacher of one school session or more count towards induction inform the NQT that only sessions undertaken as a qualified teacher must be counted check that NQTs have registered with EWC before induction is able to commence inform NQTs that it is their professional responsibility to ensure they have a secure understanding of and undertake the statutory induction requirements signpost NQTs to access professional learning resources e.g. EWC and Consortia websites, Learning Wales and Hwb and encourage them to sign up to Dysg remind the NQT to inform the school that they are a NQT remind the NQT to get the session(s) signed off by the Headteacher or senior leader at the school before they leave the school
Ensure agency staff: remind STS NQTs to utilise professional learning resources currently available to them via Learning Wales and Hwb remind NQTs to check the EWC’s website and consortia websites for professional learning opportunities encourage NQTs to attend professional learning activities provided by schools and consortia
In relation to schools Ensure agency staff: inform the school that the teacher being placed is an NQT inform the school that the Headteacher or senior leader at the school will need to sign off the session(s) before the NQT leaves the school ensure that the school understands that they have a duty to provide support to all NQTs undertaking induction including those sourced from an agency and provide a SMB where appropriate inform the school that the STS NQT will be using their teaching experience at the school to evidence the PTS inform the school that the EM may undertake a teaching observation whilst they are working at the school remind the school that the STS NQT would benefit from attending the school’s professional learning activities