“ impressive body of improvement in a short time ” 2
The process Team of 5 inspectors In the LEA for 3 weeks Used result of school survey from last April Interviewed 122 people: Members, officers, headteachers, teachers, governors and other partners Looked at 66 boxes of documentary evidence 3
What has improved? Leadership by members and officers Corporate planning Decision making in the Council Advice to members Strategy for school improvement Targeting resources to priorities Monitoring, challenge and intervention Work with underperforming schools Raising standards of numeracy Support for minority ethnic children 4
What has improved? (cont/d…..) Services to support school improvement Special Educational Needs Strategy Promotion of social inclusion Planning of school places Health and safety, welfare and child protection Support for looked after children 5
Functions that are Good Support for schools causing concern The promotion of social inclusion Support for school attendance Health and safety, welfare and child protection Support for looked after children 6
Functions that are highly satisfactory The LEA’s strategy for school improvement The effectiveness of the LEA’s work in monitoring schools and challenging them to improve, including the use made of performance data Raising standards in Literacy and Numeracy Support for minority ethnic and Traveller pupils Support for gifted and talented pupils Support for governors 7
Functions that are highly satisfactory (cont/d………) Leadership by members and officers Corporate Planning Decision-making in the Council Advice to members Partnership working The strategy for Special Educational Needs The provision of school places Asset management Admissions to schools Provision for pupils who have no school place Support for behaviour at school 8
Functions that are satisfactory Progress on implementing the strategy for school improvement Raising standards at Key Stage 3 Support for ICT Support for school management Individual services to support school management Assuring the quality and supply of teachers Effectiveness of School Improvement Services Special Educational Needs functions to support school improvement Combating racism 9
Functions that are unsatisfactory The way we organise support services to schools. Meeting government requirements for some Special Educational Needs duties Providing value for money in making provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs 10
What the inspectors said about ………. Strategy for School Improvement “The structure of political leadership is successful in providing clear political direction” “There is a reformed and effective management structure” “The Education Development Plan for 2002/2007 is a good plan” “The allocation of resources to priorities has improved significantly” “Budgetary control is sound overall and has been significantly strengthened” 11
What the inspectors said about ………. Support for School Improvement “Identification of, and intervention in, schools causing concern is now strong.” “Capacity to support headteachers is much improved.” “The LEA directs support where it is most needed.” “Good use is made of information collected.” “Arrangements for school management support services are weak.” 12
What the inspectors said about ………. Special Educational Needs “A new and highly satisfactory strategy”. “Good quality guidance has been issued to schools on the revised Code of Practice”. Value for money remains unsatisfactory until the strategic plan is implemented. “There has been some slippage in the completion of statements within the recommended 18 – week period”. 13
What the inspectors said about ………. Promoting Social Inclusion “Decisive action in both the primary and secondary sector” to tackle surplus capacity”. “A strong corporate commitment – work in this area is good.” Effective collaboration with Social Services for the benefit of pupils. Support for school attendance continues to be good. Clear and comprehensive health and safety policies. “Attainment of looked after children has increased considerably.” “A renewed determination at corporate level to combat racism is evident.” 14
What the inspectors said about ………. Corporate Issues Highly satisfactory leadership by members and officers. “A comprehensive and strategically driven planning process”. “There is a clear strategic direction in the work of the education department”. The work of the Change Management Steering Group played a major part in corporate planning. 15
Summary “An authority in which much change has taken place and more is possible”. “A clear determination to improve”. “There has been much change for the better”. “The Council and the delivery of its functions as an LEA have a new and purposeful strategic direction”. “Improvement in the management and effectiveness of the education service”. “The LEA is now playing a part in raising standards”. “Knowledge of its own strengths and weaknesses”. “Satisfactory, but more to do to become good”. “Too soon to see the full effects of many changes on schools. more to do to convince some schools - that it is pursuing the right policies”. 16
Recommendations There are fourteen recommendations divided across five areas: The strategy for school improvement. Making school improvement more effective. Improving provision for special education needs. Promoting social inclusion. Strategic planning. 17
“Given the improvement so far made, the structures, procedures and policies now in place to bring about further change for the better, we are convinced of the LEA’s capacity to action the recommendations made in this report and to improve further.” 18
What Next Post Inspection Action Plan within sixty days We are determined to use the report to continue on course to become an excellent LEA 19