Kleb Intermediate – 8 th ELA
A. Merlin A. Powerful magician B. Had a vision that showed the future king of England (Arthur) would be killed the child was to stay in the castle B. King Uther A. King of England B. Fell in love with Lady Igraine (even though she was married) C. Made a deal with Merlin A. Merlin will make it possible for Uther to spend the night with Igraine B. Uther and Igraine will have a child named Arthur C. Merlin will take the child after he is born
A. Lady Igraine A. Married to the Duke of Cornwall B. Was devoted to her husband B. Duke of Cornwall A. AKA Duke of Tintagel B. AKA Gorlois C. Was sent on a quest by King Uther D. Ends up killed during the quest—do not know if it was on purpose or not
Night the Duke of Cornwall leaves on his mission Merlin used his magic to disguise Uther to look like the Duke Igraine believes that is her husband and allowed to come back one night before going back on his quest Igraine and the “Duke” (Uther in disguise) spend the night together and she becomes pregnant.
After true Duke of Cornwall dies Igraine turns to Uther for help and Uther marries Igraine. Merlin returns to Camelot and reminds Uther of the deal At this point, Igraine does not know that it was not the Duke of Cornwall in her bed, but it was Uther. King explains to Igraine the deal After Arthur is born, Merlin returns to Camelot to take the baby boy with him.
Sir. Ector Foster Father of Arthur Trusted knight Merlin selected Ector for noble and proper personality Sir. Kay Step-brother to Arthur Arrogant and had a bad temper Was in charge of training Arthur to become knight Merlin’s Role Merlin selected Ector to be Arthur’s foster father Arranged the Sword and the Stone
Story of the Sword and the Stone After King Uther dies… Lords, dukes, knights and barons argue who should become the next king of England No one know that there is a true heir to the throne Merlin approaches the Bishop of Canterbury and both decide they need a sign from God of who is the rightful king Bishop invites the lords, dukes, knights and barons to Canterbury for Christmas Mass hoping the sign would come. After the Mass Men exited the church to find a large stone with an anvil on top and sword piercing the anvil and stone On the sword “Who so pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of England.” All men tried and could not pull the sword out of the stone.
Bishop decides that a tournament must be held to decide the next king Two weeks later (New Year’s Day) all the men attended tournament Sir. Kay doesn’t have sword with him and sends Arthur home to get it. Instead of getting the sword from home, Arthur sees the sword in the stone, grabs it, and returns to Sir. Kay with the Sword in the Stone. Sir. Kay recognizes sword and begins to tell Sir. Ector that he had pulled out the sword from the stone. Sir. Ector declares his son king but other knights do not believe Ector or Kay As a challenge, Sir. Kay replaces sword back into stone so he can pull it out again but when he could not, Sir. Kay admits that it was Arthur who pulls the sword out. Many do not believe that Arthur(a young boy) at the age of 12 or 15 could pull the sword out. Sir. Ector reminded the knights of the inscription on sword and tells Arthur to try and pull the sword out Arthur reaches out and easily pulls the sword out. At once the men surrounding him went onto one knee and bowed down, declaring “Hail King Arthur, King of England!”
Age 8 – Page 1. Learns how to become a proper gentleman 2. Taught how to sing, hold swords and lances, etc. Age 15 – Squire 1. Assigned to a knight to learn how to use proper equipment 2. Serves the knight by making sure everything is prepared for tournaments, quests, etc. Age – Knight 1. If the young man proves he is worthy, he becomes a knight 2. Can become a knight through noble deeds 3. Knights Ceremony
AKA Code of Conduct Words that knights lived by The knights kept true to this Code Arthur once said that if any knight was to break the code, it was punishable by death
“To fight against injustice, right wrongs, and help the helpless.”
Galahad Lancelot’s son, but Lancelot never knew Purest of all the knights Arthur trusted Galahad Round Table Galahad had a vision of the Holy Grail and that knights must seek it out Arthur foresaw disaster in this but allowed Knights of the Round Table to go on quest Only person to ever find and look for the Grail was Galahad Galahad touched the grail, died, and angels carried him to heaven with his spear and the Grail
Siege Perilous Reserved seat for purest of knights Any knight that sat in the seat was said to have died immediately When Galahad sat in the seat, the letters on the seat changed to say “Sir Galahad” The Grail Supposedly used by Christ at the Last Supper Was kept by Joseph of Aramathea and passed down through generations Grail legend says that whoever sees into the grail will have all sins forgiven
Arthur Was a good and gracious king Excalibur Dedicates the sword from the stone on his day of coronation—calls it Excalibur Another story is that the Lady of the Lake’s arm rose from the waters and held sword out to Arthur Sword and scabbard would prevent the wearer to lose blood Married Guinevere Guinevere Name means “most faithless of women” or “white phantom” Round Table Gift from Guinevere’s father as part of dowry Another story says Merlin made table Each seat had the knight’s name engraved in gold
Merlin tells Arthur that Guinevere will not be faithful to him Arthur ignores the warning and marries her anyways
Lancelot & Guinevere Guinevere has an affair with Lancelot Lancelot was one of Arthur’s most trusted knights Both loved Arthur, but they loved each other more Their relationship would be the end of Arthur and Camelot Camelot Home to Arthur and Guinevere Wedding was celebrated there and it seemed all was happy (although much of the kingdom was not)
Excalibur Morgan Le Fay Arthur’s half-sister Steals the Scabbard of Excalibur Throws it into the Lake Without the scabbard, Arthur did not have it’s protection anymore
Mordred Mother – Morguese Arthur’s half-sister Arthur did not know that he had spent the night with her Wanted Arthur’s throne Father- Arthur Knew that a boy born at a certain time would grow up and kill him Sent boys’ born during that month out to sea on a ship without a captain Mordred was the only boy to survive He learns of this when he is older and vows to kill Arthur Was a weak knight Manipulated by his mother Reveals the love of Lancelot and Guinevere—Arthur has no option but to act against Lancelot and Guinevere Mordred will be killed in battle by Arthur Arthur was severely wounded
Guinevere 1. Arthur punished Guinevere by burning her at the stake 2. Guinevere is rescued by Lancelot 3. Many say that after Arthur’s death, Guinevere joins a convent and ends up living there the rest of her life Lancelot 1. Banished from Kingdom by Arthur 2. Promised Arthur that he would never kill Mordred (even though they both know who he is) 3. After Lancelot saves Guinevere 1. Arthur declares war on Lancelot 2. Had to avenge the knights that Lancelot killed in rescuing Guinevere
Camelot 1. Mordred insists that Lancelot must be killed for his affair with Guinevere 2. Arthur goes to France after Lancelot leaves Mordred in charge of Camelot 3. Arthur finds out that Mordred is trying to steal his throne 1. Declares war on Mordred 2. Kills him in battle, but Arthur is mortally wounded
“Here lies King Arthur, once & future king.”
Le Morte d’Arthur Written by Sir Thomas Malory First collection of the legend of Arthur Before Arthur’s time, British Isles were a part of the Roman Empire Many say that Cadbury Castle is the current location of Camelot
Characters Mentor/Teacher Witch Shadow Damsel in Distress Archetypal hero Old Crone/Potion maker Setting Threshold Castle Tower Underworld Crossroads Wilderness/Forest River
Archetypal Hero’s Journey Stage 1: Departure Stage 2: Initiation Stage 3: The Road of Trials Stage 4: Innermost Cave Stage 5: Return & Reintegration to Society