Real-Time FOS monitor 3 rd Belle Ii PXD/SVD and 12th Depfet Workshop in wetzlar E. Currás, D. Moya, I. Vila, A. L. Virto.,J.González Instituto de Física.


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Presentation transcript:

Real-Time FOS monitor 3 rd Belle Ii PXD/SVD and 12th Depfet Workshop in wetzlar E. Currás, D. Moya, I. Vila, A. L. Virto.,J.González Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC ) G. Carrión, M. Frövel. Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronautica (INTA )

Outline — SVD – PXD relative position monitor: _ Omegas manufacturing and first calibration _ L-shapes manufacturing and first calibration _ Next step: improve calibration set-up — This year activities : _ Irradiation of FOS, Omegas and L shapes at ELSA. _ Valencia's Mockup: measurement in N 2 atmosphere. _ Belle II Slow control FOS integration — Summary. david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. 2

Omega and L-Shapes 3 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. — Six omegas and three L-shapes have been manufactured — A first displacement (at different temperatures) and thermal calibration done. Main results: _ Mechanical sensitivity is independent from temperature _ Thermal sensitivity is the same for three sensors _ Small repeatability problem, maybe related with calibration set-up. A new interferometric calibration set- up being prepared.

Omega and L-Shapes manufacturing 4 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. — Seven omegas manufactured and three of them calibrated vs temperature and mechanically. — Three L-Shapes manufactured and calibrated mechanically. COATINGMANUFACTUREDTHERM. CAL.MEC. CAL. 11 PolyimideYES NO 22 PolyimideYES 33 PolyimideYES 44 ArcylateYES (problems)NO 55 ArcylateYES (problems)NO 66 PolyimideYES COATINGMANUFACTUREDTHERM. CAL.MEC. CAL. L-1 PolyimideYES L-2 PolyimideYES L-3 PolyimideYES

Omega Shapes an L-shapes Manufacture Process 5 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 Aluminum Cask Aluminum support base FO output Omega CFRP layout Kapton Film Omega Shape L-Shape (same manufacture process) Vacuum bag All inside an oven Aluminum Cask FO output Kapton Film Steel cask for connectors protection

Thermal calibrations and temperature compensation 6 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 — Omega and L-shapes were calibrated using a SIKA thermocouples calibrator. They were calibrated to three different temperatures, and the calibration was repeated three times. — The sensitivity of three sensors was constant and near the same (difference<0.6%) Maximum error < 3 pm (0.3 ºC) Error X 10 — Trivial approach to temperature compensation with subtraction of top and bottom sensor readout

Omega displacement Calibration Set-up — The omega was glued at its both ends to a micrometric stage with a displacement resolution of two microns. — The micrometric stage was inserted in a climatic chamber for mechanical calibration at different temperatures. 7 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 Omega Shape Micrometric stage FO output-input FO sensors interrogation unit

L-shapes Calibration Set-up — For the calibration of the L-shape, the same micrometric stage was used. This time only one end of the L-Shape (the longest) was attached to the micrometric stage. The free end was rounded a little and put in contact with an static surface. — The micrometric stage was inserted in a climatic chamber for mechanical calibration at different temperatures. 8 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 L- Shape contact surface FO output Micrometric stage L-Shape Temp. Sensor Fixed surface contact

Displacement calibration 9 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 — The omega(L-shape) was calibrated at four different temperatures (-20º,30º,40º,45º). For each temperature, we wait until the temperature was stable and then the omega (L-shape) was loaded, applying compression displacement in steps of 0.25 mm up to a maximum value of 1 mm. Then the omega (L-shape) was unloaded in steps of 0.25 mm until returning to the initial position. This cycle was repeated three times at each temperature. After calibrating at all temperatures, measurements were repeated without detaching the omega (L-shape). 1 mm displacement 0.75 mm displacement 0.5 mm displacement 0.25 mm displacement

Omega displacement calibration 10 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 — Good results during one calibration cycle. The displacement resolution obtained was below one micron (0.5 um) and a good accuracy ( 10 microns) and repeatability. — The omegas mechanical sensitivity is constant with temperature as expected Linear fitChi-Square First repetition -20ºC2.3319X ºC2.3612X ºC2.3586X ºC2.3452X Second repetion 30ºC2.2998X ºC2.2812X ºC2.2746X D estimator =  Top -  Botton

Omega Shapes displacement calibration 11 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 — We found some problems when repeating the calibration at same temperature (change of the off-set of top sensor). Reasons _ Set-up induced transversal torsion — with the contact ball and the improved fixation is expected to solve this problem. Same calibrations

L-Shapes Displacement Calibration — Good results for the L-shape during one cycle at one temperature. For the second and third we had some problems between loading and unloading measured values. They were different (20 pm) — The problem: Bad contact between the L-shape and the surface. This has been solved with a better rounding of the L-Shape 12 Moya, Reunión plan nacional, DET4HEP, Zaragoza de Enero 2013 Same calibrations

SOLUTION TO CALIBRATION PROBLEMS 13 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. — First step to solve omega an L-shape calibration problem: _ Design and manufacturing of a mechanical clamping system _ Improve the contact between omega-L-shape and the contact surfaces: Glue an sphere with a good surface quality to reduce the points of contact and the friction between surfaces — This will avoid non desired deformations, and the change of L-shape and Omega position Fuser Quartz contact ball glued Clamping system 1 mm Diameter Fuser Quartz contact ball L-shape

SOLUTION TO CALIBRATION PROBLEMS (2) 14 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. — Design and manufacture a more accurate omega and L-Shape calibration device not thermally affected (using Invar or CFRP with near zero TEC) — During the next week we will have an interferometric calibration device which will allow to know accurately the displacement applied at each displacement step. Laser head Beam spliter Retro reflector L-shape Micrometric stage Contact surface Environment sensor

Next Steps: — Repeat environmental measurements done with FBG sensors at IFIC thermo-mechanical Set-up — This time the set-up will be closed in a smaller volume methacrylate cage and the measurements will be done in nitrogen atmosphere — The aim is to see the effect of Nitrogen atmosphere on the mock-up temperature distribution and the response of FBG sensors. 15 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.

Next Steps: — Make a third irradiation at ELSA (Bonn) of FBG sensors, omegas and Lshapes with electrons. — The irradiation will be active, up to an absorbed dose of 10 Mrads and in steps (200 Krads, 500 Krads, 1 Mrad, 2 Mrads, 5Mrads, 10Mrads) — After each steps the beam will be switched off until the temperature and annealing effect disappear — After the irradiation, the sensors annealing will be monitored during two weeks out of the beam, and them the sensors will be irradiated again. — Firs steps: Define properly the irradiation set-up _ Beam spot size ( commissioning at ELSA necessary to see the maximum beam spot or with 20 mm is ok? _ Define FBG sensors geometry, and FBGs,omega and L-shape irradiation support 16 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.

BELLE-II Slow Control FOS integration — IFCA has tested two FOS interrogators technologies in the nm wavelengths. — Both technologies are able to provide peak detection and full spectrum data. _ Belle-II Slow Control usually run on Unix-type machines. MicronOptics sm130 interrogators are easily portable to Linux. It doesn’t need drivers because it uses network sockets for communication, and the Windows.DLL just encapsulates socket management. _ Uni Heidelberg has started to look forward into Linux portability: Extracts of C++ code for device communication used at IFCA sent to Uni Heidelberg. Communication protocol and data requirements are under study at Uni Heidelberg.  Development of C/C++ code to be able to communicate with the device under Linux.  Conversion and integration of the instrument data into the Slow Control System. BaySpec FBGA-F: –Small size. 1 FO channel. –512 samples on full spectrum. –Problems with high laser power. –USB 2.0 communication. –Needs drivers. –Paiment SDK. LabView and VC++ examples. –Complex set of commands for programming. –Windows.DLL only. MicronOptics sm130: –Medium size. 4 FO channels. –32768 samples on full spectrum. –Ethernet communication. –No need for drivers. –Free Labview, VB and C++ examples. –Simple set of commands for programming. –Windows.DLL only. »But just to manage network sockets.

Outlook: — Six omegas and three L-shapes have been manufactured — A first displacement (at different temperatures) and thermal calibration done. The omegas and L-shapes work properly. Main results: _ Displacement sensitivity is independent from temperature _ Thermal sensitivity is constant and the same for three sensors( Omega and L- Shape have TEC near zero and makes trivial the thermal compenstation) — Some repeatability problems seen during measurements. A new interferometric calibration set-up being prepared and improve fixation and contact points. — A third irradiation at ELSA with electrons up to 10Mrads of FBGs, Omegas and L-shapes for the first half of the year — Repeat measurements at IFIC thermo-mechanical Mock-up in nitrogen atmosphere. Expected before April — Start the study of FBG interrogators integration to BELLE-II Slow Control 18 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.

BACK UP 19 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.

Future activities: AIDA thermo- mechanical infrastructure — Within the FP7 EU project AIDA: a Thermo-mechanical set-up being commissioned at Desy for dedicated test in pixel/tracker mock-ups and components. — By November 2012 a FOS-based monitoring system available for users. — Cross calibration with optical measuring device. — PXD, SVD mockups as users of this infrastructure from the point view of AIDA (should profit from this). 20 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. — Another Test at IFIC Thermal Set-up with FBG sensors and PT-100.: — Make Temperature and humidity measurements under a N 2 atmosphere

Future activities: Additional test in Valencia’s Mockup. — Reproduce thermal and mechanical measurements at Depfet mock-up at Valencia in N2 atmosphere 21 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.

Closed System (Latest experimental setup) 22 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. Fully enclosed volume with Cu dummies and Si resistive sample in outer layer, using new Stainless steel CBs. 24 resistive heaters (6.35 mm x mm) simulating DCD-DHP dissipation (8W per heater, 192W total) N 2 gas cooled down to ~0ºC through Cu coil in LN2 Dewar atmosphere Two phase CO 2 cooling (T~-35ºC) BP cooled down to 15ºC (Liquid coolant)

Thermal camera Results. — Reproduce thermal and mechanical measurements at Depfet mock-up at Valencia in N2 atmosphere 23 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. w/o N 2 gas T MAX ~40ºC  T~15ºC w/ N 2 gas T MAX ~25ºC  T~5ºC

Future activities: Test in Valencia Mockúp 24 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. CO2 COOLING Outer ladder AIR COOLING COOLING BLOCK POLYAMIDE SENSOR Inner ladder ACRYLATE SENSOR

Summary and Future plans. — Manufacturing of 12 ( 6+6) omega and L prototypes in progress for reproducibility studies, to be completed by November. — New irradiation campaign with electrons at ELSA — By the end of the year, FOS monitoring available at DESY thermo-mechanical infrastructure through FP7 AIDA. — New humidity and thermal studies at IFIC thermal set- up (N 2 atmosphere) — Complete the study of FBG vibration sensitivity. 25 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.

Humidity measurement of VLC Mockup 26 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.

FBG Calibrations: Vibrations (2) — Calibration against reference accelerometers at Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón 27 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar. Ref. Acc. Vibrating Table

Raw data — Still all the analysis to be done. 28 david.moya 3rd PXD-SVD Workshop, Feb 3-6th,2013, Wetzlar.