Welcome to General Biology BI103 - Winter 2003
Instructor: Mike LeMaster Office Hours:T: 1:00 - 3:00 pm W: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Office: 119 Natural Sciences Phone: (x8-8136) Course Introduction
Required Text: Biology - Life on Earth (Audesirk 2 & Byers - 6th Ed.) Laboratory Manual (BI 102) MWF 1:00 - 1:50 am 103 NS Lectures: Labs: No Lab = See Me! 3 or more absences = failure of class Labs start this week... Course Introduction
Testing Format: Multiple Choice True/False Matching (w/ Diagrams) Fill-in-the-blank / Short Answer Exam 1 (31 Jan) 100 Exam 2 (21 Feb) 100 Final (17 Mar) 150 Laboratory Grading: Grading Scale (approximate): % = A % = D % = B < 55% = F % = C Course Introduction * Curve at end if average falls below 75%
Web Site: Course Introduction What is the content of BI 103? Unit 1: Plant Anatomy and Physiology Chapters Plant Form / Function (Chapter 23) Plant Reproduction / Development (Chapter 24) Plant Response to Environment (Chapter 25) Unit 2: Animal Anatomy and Physiology Chapters Homeostasis / Organization (Chapter 26) Body Systems (Chapters ) Animal Behavior (Chapter 37)
How to get the most out of BI 102: 1) Come to class (even on Fridays...) 2) Read the book before lecture 3) Review study questions. 4) Do your best in lab (It’s 30% of your grade!) 5) Seek understanding of concepts. Ask questions! talk to your professor visit the tutoring center start a study group 6) Stay Healthy! Course Introduction
(Figure 1.2)
Chapter 1: Introduction to Life on Earth What is Life? What are the Characteristics of Living Things? 7) Living things evolve (Natural Selection) 6) Living things reproduce (DNA = blueprints) Nutrients = Environment (e.g. soil) Energy = Sun (Direct or Indirect) 3) Living things maintain homeostasis 4) Living things grow 5) Living things respond to stimuli (e.g. pain) 1) Living things are complex and organized 2) Living things need nutrients and energy
Categorization of Life (Chapters ) Eukarya (Eukaryotes = nucleus) Prokaryotes (no nucleus) Bacteria Archaea 1) Protista 2) Fungi 3) Plantae4) Animalia
Biology 102 Biology 103 “Disorder spreads through the universe, and life alone battles against it” - G. Evelyn Hutchinson
Word of the Term: Tissue (‘tish-ü) A group of cells that are similar in structure and designed to perform a specialized function Muscle Tissue Adipose Tissue