LARNAKA CYPRUS Mediterranean Network for the Promotion of Urban Sustainable Development Strategies Training Workshop Sustainable Development Strategy for Larnaka 4rt Session: Complementary actions & Barcelona Metropolitan Area/Medcities support This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of USUDS Network and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union
Purpose The session objective is to inform and discuss on relevant complementary actions of Larnaka SDS in order to advance in their definition and schedule, and BMA/Medcities support Complementary actions 1.Specific studies 2.Visibility actions 3.Publications Barcelona Metropolitan Area support as USUDS project lieder 1.Technological Platform 2.Project coordination 3.General methodological harmonisation 4.Implementation support LARNAKA CYPRUS
Complementary Actions LARNAKA CYPRUS
Budget for Complementary Actions Actions Euros Specific studies6871,59 Visibility actions8000 Publications, study, research7000 Administrative costs29705, LARNAKA CYPRUS
Studies Budget: 6871,59 € Objective: To help in the definition of some strategic lines, which will be made at the strategic framework step, and/or strategic projects, which will be used at the Action Plan step. What kind of studies?: –a) Completing information and analysing fields without sufficient information for the pre-diagnostic and diagnostic phases. – b) Analysing specific issues for proposing programs or/and plans : Poor neighbourhoods, Territorial planning, Mobility, Local Economy (or an specific sector), Social actions, Governance, etc.. –c) Action-focused work on specific actions or projects (Feasibility studies, pre-projects terms of reference, etc.): Incubator, relevant public space design, specific equipment, or infrastructure, etc LARNAKA CYPRUS
Visibility actions Budget: 8000€ Communication and awareness of citizenship & city stakeholders of SDS project shall be made from the project starting. A Plan including communication actions at relevant moments of the project: starting, pre-diagnostic (?), diagnostic, vision and strategic framework, action plan and final. Sectoral campaigns ( schools and university, youth, entrepreneurs, women) Deciding public objective of the actions. Campaign for the poverty alleviation project. Communication vectors: Leaflets, documentary, TVDE, radio, press, street actions (advertising, Aleppo, big panels in road at the city entrances (Sfax), etc LARNAKA CYPRUS
Publications Budget: 7000€ Examples: Final book, including Vision, Strategic Framework and Action Plan Relevant studies Diagnostic plus pre-diagnostic LARNAKA CYPRUS
Administrative costs Budget: ,77 € The partner, after providing the administration costs of the project, can use them to complement other actions LARNAKA CYPRUS
AMB/Medcities support actions LARNAKA CYPRUS
Two objectives: 1) a platform for dissemination of urban strategic thinking in the region. 2) a virtual working space for citiespolitical responsibles and staff, practitioners and experts on urban sustainable development in the Mediterranean LARNAKA CYPRUS Technological Platform
It offers tools to those cities carrying out their SDS: 1) access to projects from other cities (best practices) 2) expertise on how this process is carried out 3) contact with international organizations and the Knowledge Transfer Centers 4) Communicate own SDS and related relevant policies, programes and projects. Each city will have: 1) a city page to promote the most sucessful projects, inform about its strategy evolution, etc. 2) the capacity to feed a database of successful projects 3) a private working space for experts and the local team: capacity to share documents, forum of discussion, work on common documents, etc. 4) Access to the methodological debates monitored by the KTCs of Malaga (methodology and best practices,.Sfax and Al Fayhaa (for Maghreb and Meddle East) 5) Access to a procurement page to offer/demand services related to their SDS 6) Interactive participation in a Mediterranean agenda of events on urban sustainable development LARNAKA CYPRUS
Project coordination Project results success boosting Time program schedule accomplishment support Partners networking between SDS cities and KTCs facilitation Reporting assistance & coordination EC regulations assistance ( eligibility, procurement procedures, etc.) Communication materials Internal general information news Project steering committee meetings ( three face-to-face and virtual needed) LARNAKA CYPRUS
General methodological harmonisation Assist to local teams and international experts on methodological aspects demands Development of common design frameworks of main technical reports Provide proposals of methodological processes adaptations LARNAKA CYPRUS
Implementation support Actions of for aiding Larnaka municipality on: Follow-up institutionalisation –Implementing participated public-private external institution or internal committee –Development bureau or agency International actions ( lobbying, partnerships, etc) Building networking initiatives for strategic project implementation as cooperation projects LARNAKA CYPRUS