INTRODUCTION to the BULGARIAN TUTORS’ SEMINAR Hatzakis Ilias Project Manager GRNET Bulgarian tutors’ seminar, Athens-Berlin-Sofia 13-17/11/2006.


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Presentation transcript:

INTRODUCTION to the BULGARIAN TUTORS’ SEMINAR Hatzakis Ilias Project Manager GRNET Bulgarian tutors’ seminar, Athens-Berlin-Sofia 13-17/11/2006

2 This seminar aims to: – give you expertise on e-business practical fields – transfer know how on how to train SMEs on this field – get you acquainted with e-learning principles and practices – test the effectiveness of distance learning

3 SESSION OVERVIEW Some words on the ELISA project. Seminar program The e-learning platform The content Your obligations for the SMEs seminar Questions and answers

4 SESSION OVERVIEW Some words on the ELISA project. Seminar program The e-learning platform The content Your obligations for the SMEs seminar Questions and answers

5 The general idea The creation of a dynamic set of tools (human, technical, infrastructural, organizational) that can be used by policy makers or adequate bodies in order to implement policies that improve the ICT usage at local SMEs -In the future: no competitive business outside the electronic universe -The use of internet in the SEE is very low - Simple, quick, flexible and low cost policy measures have to be uptaken as soon as possible..

6 What did we already have at the starting point? The ongoing collaboration between National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) in SE Europe through infrastructural development projects like SEEREN ( SEEREN2 ( and SEE-GRID ( Networks that require applications and usage. The existing resources at the local parthers: abundant talent, high level IT skilled graduates (that usually fall to the brain drain phenomenon) The high political impact of local partners with policy makers The success of the Goonline project in Greece ( that emerged from the collaboration between the academic and the business community The long experience of the partners in developing national targeted strategies in various fields, in implementing SME training actions, in building e-learning platforms and methodologies.

7 The perspective … improving the access to knowledge and the information society of SMEs in South-East Europe, through close cooperation of academic and business communities at a transnational level, by transferring EU best practice training know-how and by developing national training strategies.

8 E-learning tech (SYSTEMA) Network management (GRNET) ERDF PARTNERS BC PARTNERS NRENS - Political impact - Network management - Infrastructure - Talent SMERS - Political impact - SME training -Dissemination - IT clusters - Policy measures Partner structure concept E-business training (GRNET) E-learning methodologies (FUB, UOM) INIMA MARNET AMREJ ISTF SMEA MASIT JURIT SAITC

9 ELISA Partners Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET) GR Free University of Berlin (U-Berlin) DE University of Maribor (U-Maribor) SI DANUBE AT SYSTEMA GR Academy of Sciences of Albania, Institute of Informatics and Applied Mathematics (INIMA) AL SME Agency – Albania AL University St. Cyril and Methodius, Macedonian Academic and Research Network (MARnet) MK University of Belgrade (AMREJ) YU Macedonian Association for Information Technology (MASIT) MK Association for computing, informatics, telecommunications, automation and management (JURIT ) YU Information Society Technologies Foundation (IST Foundation) BG ICT Development Agency (ICTDA) BG

10 Target groups FINAL SMEs in the beneficiary countries. Policy Makers in the ICT field. INTERMEDIARY Managers and personnel inside the SME representative organizations. Managers and researchers inside the Universities and the National Research and Education Networks, PARALLEL ICT companies that specialize in e-learning technologies.

11 ELISA overall action plan 1. Develop a multilingual, highly-interactive and easy-to-use e-learning platform for the needs of SMEs (June 2006/ Sept 2007) 2. Create a customizable multilingual training material for improving ICT skills within SMEs (Sep 2006) 3. Tele-education and certification of 24 tutors-pilot (Jul- Dec 2006) 4. Design of SME ICT training strategies for the beneficiary countries (December 2006) 5. Training (ICT & e-business) of 120 SMEs -pilot (Feb-Mar 2007) 6. Diffusion of the know-how gained to policy makers and interested organizations (June 2007) 7. Awareness creation on the benefits of ICT business use by SMEs (June 2007) 8. Disseminate the whole project results (October 2007)

12 ICT Training Strategies Train the Tutors and SMEs Training Content e-Learning Platform Project Coordination and Administration Elisa- Content Professors teleteaching/ preparing Tutors via LMS 6 Tutors per beneficiary Country Each Tutor trains 5 SMEs for 10 hours face-to-face at Labs of NRENs using LMS Elisa- LMS Evaluation of training ICT training strategies report Policy Makers Workshops WP1WP3WP4 Dissemination Actions (Communication, Portal and Seminars)/ Potential synergies with related projects WP5WP6 time Overview Workpackages WP2 Set of tools + e-business survival kits H323

13 EXPECTED IMPACTS Raise of political awareness on the importance of access to knowledge and information society for SMEs. Acceleration of ICT penetration and computer literacy to SMEs from the beneficiary countries. Improvement of business performance via the adoption of e-business practices. Adoption of e-learning as a sustainable training practice. Improvement of cross-country business collaboration. Establishment of links between academic and business networks at a transnational level. Dissemination of the know-how gained to the CADSES area and the public at large. THE NOTION OF THE SET OF AVAILABLE TOOLS

14 More info: (elisapartners/elisapartners)

15 SESSION OVERVIEW Some words on the ELISA project. Seminar program The e-learning platform The content Your obligations for the SMEs seminar Questions and answers

16 Seminar Program: OVERALL DEPLOYMENT SCENARIO 1 st day: Practice on MOODLE 2 nd day: – Introduction-ELISA scope – Presentation and discussion on the GOONLINE program – General principles of e-learning and e-teaching – Internet security issues – Legal issues 3 rd day: – Basic IT knowledge (Dr Aggelides) – Introduction to e-business (Dr Aggelidis) – Enterpreneurship on the internet (Dr Aggelides) 4 th day: – Basic principles of the internet economy (Dr Kleinaltenkamp) – Some facts on the Bulgarian Digital Economy – Discussion-Evaluation

17 The first TELE-SEMINAR Athens  Belgrade 6 professors, 6 tutors, 2 coordinators Tele-education rooms Tele-conferencing technologies (via H.323) Certification of tutors by FUB Webcasting

18 The “survival kit”

19 SESSION OVERVIEW Some words on the ELISA project. Seminar program The e-learning platform The content Your obligations for the SMEs seminar Questions and answers

20 The e-learning platform - State of the art of open source LMS - Evaluation- Selection  - Technical and Functional Requirements - Phase1 of development - Tests- and Phase2 of development

21 The e-learning platform THE ELISA PLATFORM/MOODLE: The purpose of the platform is to provide a long term cooperative tool for the permanent training of SMEs The extent of the use of the platform for SME training depends on you

22 The ELISA e-learning platform includes : The tutors’ content (in English) The e-business content for SMEs (in English + the 4 local languages) The Bulgarian content needs finalization Forums – (basic tool) – please use the “Bulgarian tutors’ forum” – later, please create forums with your SMEs Chat/ Quickmail/ SKYPE meetings PLEASE FORGIVE (AND REPORT!) MISTAKES

23 SESSION OVERVIEW Some words on the ELISA project. Seminar program The e-learning platform The content Your obligations for the SMEs seminar Questions and answers

24 The content THE MAIN CONTENT: – Basic IT knowledge for SMEs – Introduction to e-business – Enterpreneurship on the internet. On-line tests An e- business plan guide A report on the local digital economy What ever else you ‘ll think of!!! Just remember: This is your content

25 The ELISA content Add examples / Keep it up to date From now on, you can manage the Bulgarian content on the platform- you have author rights on the Serbian course Please use the “Bulgarian tutors’ forum” for any kind of questions AGAIN: remember that this is your content AGAIN: PLEASE FORGIVE (AND REPORT!) MISTAKES

26 SESSION OVERVIEW Some words on the ELISA project. Seminar program The e-learning platform The content Your obligations for the SMEs seminar Questions and answers

27 Your obligations for the SME seminar Time: to be decided/ scheduled for February 2007?/ depends on the selection procedure Duration: Two 5hour sessions (minimum), not necessarily on consecutive days. The purpose is not to deliver the content exhaustively, but to stimulate interest and then refer to the platform. It is very important that SMEs get familiar with the platform beforehand Place: Tele-education room? Totally 30 SMEs/ 5 per tutor/ Cooperation with local Chamber?

28 SESSION OVERVIEW Some words on the ELISA project. Seminar program The e-learning platform The content Your obligations for the SMEs seminar Questions and answers