O. Brüning, CERN USLARP Meeting, SLAC, 18 th – 20 th May, 2016 HL-LHC: New Collaboration Board 1
Project Governance during FP7 DS: 2 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
3 FP7 DS Project Governance: HL-LHC Collaboration Board Top-level body for the HiLumi Collaboration Has representatives of all HiLumi Partners Meets at least once per year HL-LHC Coordination Group Forum for setting common and coherent set of goals, parameters & plans for the HL-LHC project, Forum for official information transfer Chaired by Project Leader, representatives of all Experiments (spokes persons); LIU, Research and A&T Directors; HL-LHC Technical coordinator Project Coordination Office Meets weekly: PL and DPL, Technical Coordinator, Safety Officer, Budget and Resource Manager, Outreach, FP7 HiLumi Admin Manager, Integration Officer HL-LHC Steering Committee Executive body for taking decision, approving Deliverables and monitoring progress (1 / month) All HL-LHC WP coordinators & USLARP represent. USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
4 Project Governance: Technical Bodies HL-LHC TC Defines the technical baseline of the project. Technical Specification of the individual HL-LHC Components & Layout and Integration Detailed technical discussions HL-LHC PLC The PLC establishes and maintains a coherent and dynamic list of parameters and the associated hardware lay-out for the HL-LHC Official approval of Layout and Parameters C-MAC External Scientific Advisory board. Looks after all of CERN’s accelerator facilities. USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
High Luminosity WP Coordination during FP7 DS: 5 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
Project Governance during FP7 DS: 6 HL-LHC TCC Technical Coordination Committee USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
7 HL-LHC Technical Collaborations Launched effort for building collaborations beyond the FP7 DS: Continuation of collaboration that were started under FP7 proposals for new in-kind contributions ‘k-contracts’ ca cost sharing for deliverables plus resource contributions Several new agreements prepared in 2015 and signed in 2016 Preparation of new general framework / collaboration contract for the HL-LHC project: Non-committing general agreement Deliverables and commitments specified in dedicated addendums USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
8 Finalized Member State Collaborations France: Collaboration with CEA-Saclay -Construction of Fresca2 dipole magnet (Nb 3 Sn large bore 13 T) -Design and construction of Q4 quadrupole magnet short model -HTS coil small insert -Other technological studies for advanced superconductors -Collaboration for Cryogenic Italy: Collaboration INFN (Milano & Genova) -Design and construction HO corrector magnet prototypes (five units) -Engineering design of the D2 dipole magnet Spain: Collaboration with CIEMAT -Design and construction of: nested orbit corrector magnet prototype Sweden: Collaboration with Uppsala -Magnet and crab cavity measurements and tests USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
9 UK: Collaboration with 7 partner institutes - University Manchester [coordination; collimation; crab cavities] -University Liverpool [crab cavities, diagnostics] -University Huddersfield [collimation] -Lancaster University [crab cavities] -Royal Halloway University [collimation, diagnostics] -University Southampton [cold powering] -ASTEC/STFC [crab cavities] Finalized Member State Collaborations USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN Finland: University Of Applied Science of Lapland -Virtual visualization of underground areas of the LHC and HL-LHC
10 Member State Collaborations in Preparation Poland: Wroclaw University of Technology - cryogenic engineering -magnet test facility Spain: CNA - Radiation tests UK: Dundee University and Daresbury - Laser Engineered Surface Structures USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN Italy: New Collaboration with INFN -Construction of all HO corrector magnets -Construction of the D2 dipole magnets
11 Established Non-Member State Collaborations US: LARP+ Collaboration: BNL, FNAL, LBNL, ODU, JLab - R&D for new Nb3Sn triplet quadrupole magnets -R&D for Crab Cavities -Rotatable Collimator R&D -Feedback system R&D -Production of ½ of the triplet magnets -Production of all Crab Cavities -Hollow electron lens [under preparation] Japan: Collaboration with KEK -Design and production of new superconducting D1 dipole magnets -FinMET cavities, RF cleaning USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
12 Non-Member State Collaboration Preparations Georgia: Georgian Technical University - mechanical constructions for Beam Instrumentation -mechanical construction for the HL-LHC jacks Canada: Collaboration with TRIUMF - refurbishment / construction of normal conducting quadrupole magnets -beam dynamics and beam-beam interaction studies Russia: Dubna and BINP - alignment and vibration measurement devices -cavity couplers, absorbers, normal conducting magnets, electron lens -TAXS and TAXN absorbers and warm MBW magnets USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
13 New Collaboration Agreement New multi party agreement [under preparation] specifies explicitly for each partner institute the general link persons for the general, non-committing part of the agreement - laboratory representative Collaboration partners will receive automatic updates of the membership list whenever a new partner signs the agreement - transparent membership list USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN Concrete deliverables that imply commitment from the partner institutes are described in dedicated addendums -safety link person -technical expert
HL-LHC Project HL-LHC Collaboration Board LIU Project IEFC C-MAC HL-LHC Technical Coordination Committee HL-LHC Work Packages LMC Experiments HL-LHC Coordination Group Post FP7 HL-LHC Project Governance: 14 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN A&TS DH GLs CERN Directorate and Accelerator & Technology Sector ATSMB & EATSMB HL-LHC & LIU Executive Committee
15 HL-LHC Collaboration Board: HLCB Mandate: The HL-LHC Collaboration Board [HLCB] is the official forum for information exchange and dialogue between the HL-LHC collaborators, the HL-LHC project management and the CERN management. The HL-LHC Project Leader will inform the HLCB regularly about the situation of the project, including technical and financial aspects and the overall project schedule, and will make proposals for in-kind contributions and collaboration topics. The HL-LHC collaboration partners will report via the HLCB to the HL- LHC project management and the other collaboration partners about delivery schedule and progress of technical implementations of their contributions or changes in the expected performance scope and reach of their contributions. When needed, the HLCB will discuss measures to cope with technical or financial shortfall, as well with delay of deliverables from the collaboration partners and give advice and recommendations to the project management for the resolution of such issues The HL-TCC reports to the HL-LHC Project Leader. USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
16 HL-LHC Collaboration Board: HLCB Organization: 'The chair of the Collaboration Board chairs the HLCB meetings and discussions between the HLCB members. The chair will also communicate any recommendations or advice from the HLCB to the HL-LHC project management’ The chair is appointed for a 2 year mandate but can be re-elected. Composition: HL-LHC Collaboration Board consists of one representative per collaborating institute of the HL-LHC project and ex-officio of the HL-LHC project management, i.e., HL PL, HL DPL and the HL Project Office Manager. The Director of the Accelerator and Technology Sector at CERN, or his/her representative, will also be ex-office member. 'Collaboration partners include laboratories and institutes who have either signed directly a HL-LHC collaboration agreement or are part of an overreaching general collaboration agreement and provide either significant in-kind contributions or studies and personnel for the HL-LHC project.' Institutes that have signed the framework agreement but not a Collaboration agreement with an explicit contribution to HL-LHC can be invited as observers. Each LARP+ partner should be represented by one representative plus a representative from DOE USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
17 HL-LHC Collaboration Board First Meeting: - Foreseen during the next general HL-LHC meeting in Paris at the end of Preparation of membership list by late summer this year (for the moment ca. 25 members + 8?) Next Steps: - Confirm representatives from each institute -Preparation of chairman election for / prior to first meeting -Preparation of a ‘News Summary’ of the first post EU year activities and milestones for the HL-LHC (e.g. SPS Crab Cavity test planning, schedule, civil engineering effort, QXF tests, Circuit review, Baseline Change documents and Option update etc.) USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
18 Technical Infrastructure Officer [Laurent Tavian] Civil Engineering Impact & Environ. Studies Electrical Distr. & CV Access & Alarm Logistics & link to Test Infra. Consolidation & Operations Technical Infrastructure Officer [Laurent Tavian] Civil Engineering Impact & Environ. Studies Electrical Distr. & CV Access & Alarm Logistics & link to Test Infra. Consolidation & Operations Configuration, Quality and Resource Officer [Isabel Bejar] TDR Edition & Tech. Baseline (PBS, interfaces, Tech. Specs, Technical documentation & ECR) Quality and Risk management Resource & Purchase Plan Configuration, Quality and Resource Officer [Isabel Bejar] TDR Edition & Tech. Baseline (PBS, interfaces, Tech. Specs, Technical documentation & ECR) Quality and Risk management Resource & Purchase Plan Project Leader & Deputy [Lucio Rossi & Oliver Brüning] Project Definition & Strategy Report to CERN Management and DHs Report to Collaboration Board Coordination technical WPs (2-14) & Collaborations Project Leader & Deputy [Lucio Rossi & Oliver Brüning] Project Definition & Strategy Report to CERN Management and DHs Report to Collaboration Board Coordination technical WPs (2-14) & Collaborations Integration and Installation Officer [Paolo Fessia] Integration study and layout Lead (de-) installation Survey Integration and Installation Officer [Paolo Fessia] Integration study and layout Lead (de-) installation Survey Project Office Manager [Laurent Tavian] Coordination among officers, secretariat, interface with host states, General Planning Coordination, Safety follow up Project Office Manager [Laurent Tavian] Coordination among officers, secretariat, interface with host states, General Planning Coordination, Safety follow up Budget Officer [Benoit Delille] Budget & its follow-up Link to RC and to DAT Budget Officer [Benoit Delille] Budget & its follow-up Link to RC and to DAT Safety officer [Thomas Otto] Safety officer [Thomas Otto] KT, Outreach and Communication Post FP7 HL-LHC Project Organization: USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
19 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN HL-LHC Project Website
20 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN HL-LHC Project Website
21 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN HL-LHC Project Website
22 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN HL-LHC Project TCC Website:
23 USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
24 HL-LHC Technical Coordination Committee: TCC Publication of HL-LHC TDR Less frequent need for approval process from Parameter & Layout Committee diminishing role separation between the HL-LHC PLC and TC increased need for integration of departmental and group management for transition to prototyping, testing and construction (resource planning and impact!) New Technical Coordination Committee replacing the PLC and TC Regular (bi-?)weekly meetings aim for biannual review of the general HL-LHC parameters and layout Version release involvement of relevant GL and DH USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
25 HL-LHC Technical Coordination Committee: TCC Mandate: The HL-TCC is the main forum for defining, in collaboration with the work package (WP) leaders and the project management, the baseline * of the HL-LHC project and establishing and maintaining coherent sets of parameters and the associated hardware lay-out for the HL-LHC. These sets will be referred to as the HL-LHC Baseline and Options in the following. The HL-TCC will monitor and recommend changes in parameters or machine layout and the required resources and work plan based on the technical discussions at the HL-TCC meetings, interim reports from the WP leaders or any other relevant bodies of the project or of the CERN A&T sector such as group leaders and department heads. When applicable, it will also request dedicated studies to solve or mitigate any possible kind of inconsistencies and interface issue between different systems or equipment and prepare the decision making process. The HL-TCC may give also recommendation on hardware equipment, especially when the HL-LHC operation and functionality is involved, without prevailing on the responsibility of the WP leaders. The HL-TCC reports to the HL-LHC Project Leader. The HL-LHC Deputy Project Leader is the HL-TCC chair ex-officio and is assisted by a deputy chair(s) and a scientific secretary(s). USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN
New Executive Committees within ATS: 26 Accelerator & Technology Sector Management Board & EATSMB LHC Machine Coordinators IEFC HL-LHC Project BE, TE & EN DH and GLs LMC LIU Project LHC experiments Experimental areas Machine Supervisors Working Groups e.g MPP LBOC Working Groups FOM MSWG New HL-LHC & LIU Executive Committee C-MAC Other Projects USALRP meeting, May 18 th to 20 th, SLACO. Brüning, CERN