L.O: To understand the impact of drug use in competitive sports
1.This drug caused birth deformities when taken by pregnant women 2.If you can become dependent on a drug, it is described as ……………………… 3.This drug is a plant and has been linked to schizophrenia 4.These drugs are used to treat cardiovascular disease 5.Drugs must be tested in a …………………. trial before they can be prescribed for patients 6.They change the chemical processes in people’s bodies 7.This is a substance that does NOT contain the real drug, given to patients in drug trials 8.These types of drugs are taken for “pleasure” 9.These types of drugs are given for health reasons 10.In this type of drug trial, neither the doctors nor the patients know who has been given the real drug
1.Thalidomide 2.Addictive 3.Cannabis 4.Statins 5.Clinical 6.Drugs 7.Placebo 8.Recreational 9.Medical 10.Double Blind
What drugs do you think an Olympic athlete can take?
All are prohibited by sporting regulations e.g. Stimulants that boost bodily functions such as heart rate Anabolic steroids which stimulate muscle growth Narcotic analgesics/Painkillers allow you to train and compete with injury EPO - Drugs which stimulate body to make more red blood cells to carry oxygen Diuretics to remove fluid from the body Beta blockers drugs which slow the heart to give a steady hand
The first steroids used in sports occurred in 1954 at world weightlifting championships – many world records were broken! It was later discovered that steroids had been used. The athletics authorities banned steroid use in the 1970s.
Marion Jones steroid THG Rashid Ramzi CERA Antonio Pettigrew EPO & HGH Davide Rebellin CERA Dwayne Chambers steroid THG Lyudmyla Blonska anabolic steroid methyltestosterone Irina Korzhanenko stanozolol
Marion Jones steroid THG Marion claimed 5 medals at the 2000 Olympic games (3 gold). Eight years later she was sentenced to 6 months in prison after lying to investigators about using steroids.
Caster Semenya: accused of being a man but she has naturally high levels of testosterone LaShawn Merritt tested positive for a steroid found in a "male enhancement" supplement called ExtenZe. His punishment was reduced because he had not taken the steroid with the aim of gaining a competitive advantage. Members of the East German female swimming team in the 1970s and 80s were given anabolic steroids containing testosterone. They were told they were vitamins. They were left with irreversible side-effects of masculinisation.
MEN -Headaches -Baldness -Mood swings -Strokes and blood clots -Nausea -High blood pressure and heart disease -Bloating -Impotence -Reduced sperm count -Aching joints -Aggressive behaviour -Increased risk of tendon injury -Shrinkage of the testicles -Enlarged prostate -Urinary and bowel problems -Liver damage -Development of breasts -Severe acne on face and back WOMEN -Reduced breast size -Enlarged clitoris -Increase in facial and body hair -Deepened voice -Menstrual problems -Mood swings -Strokes and blood clots -Nausea -High blood pressure and heart disease -Bloating -Aching joints -Aggressive behaviour -Increased risk of tendon injury -Urinary and bowel problems -Liver damage -Severe acne on face and back
TESTOSTERONE TRIAL ON WEIGHTLIFTERS – groups of 10 men took part in a 6 week trial with matching diet, training and weightlifting. - 2 placebo groups exercising and not exercising -2 testosterone groups exercising and not exercising Observations - Body mass increased in testosterone groups -Muscle size increased in testosterone group -Strength increase was greater in testosterone exercise group -Significant placebo effect – high strength increase in subjects taking placebo but told they were receiving steroids What were the independent, dependent and control variables? What can you conclude? Do you think the use of drugs in sports is ethical? Why?
Arguments athletes use -Want to win -Feel that others are taking them -Health risks are just stories -Did not know – coach said they were supplements -Should be able to do what you like to your body Arguments against -Health risk, even death -Expensive, most competitors cant afford them -Unfair advantage
What are the ethical implications of using drugs to gain a competitive edge? Should all drugs be banned? Does this include and type of training, such as high altitude training to increase the number of red blood cells which can then be stored for a few days prior to an event (which carry more oxygen due to increased haemoglobin levels)? Discuss the moral and ethical issues involved with drugs in sport between your groups and decide on what stance you would take if you were part of the Olympic committee…
People sometimes use illegal performance enhancing drugs on horses. What sort of drugs do you think they use? What are the ethical aspects of drugs on animals?
Imagine you are an athletics coach. One of your athletes says that she knows that several of her competitors are taking steroids. She does not want them to out perform her. What advice would you give her?