He Is Risen Indeed!!! Happy Resurrection Day Matthew 28:1-9
Easter Changes Everything! No one event has ever impacted the world so much as the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! How did 12 poor disciples- fishermen, a tax collector, sheep herders, farmer and a zealot (young men in age) multiply to where today 1 of 3 people of all the population in the world identify with Christ?
Easter Changes Everything! The Resurrection and the coming of the power of the Holy Spirit was the fulfillment of many scriptures in the Bible! Ps. 22:16-18 Is. 53:12 50:6 Celebrating Easter is the first step on the right road to eternal life with God!
Easter Changes Everything! Three Amazing Proofs of the Resurrection (out of 12 or more proofs) 1.Post Resurrection Appearances - Mary Magdalene and 4 other women, Cleopas and another disciple on Road to Emmaus, The Disciples inside the upper room 3 Times, Seven of the disciples at sea of Tiberius, 500 people at one time. 2.The Roman-Sealed, 1-to-2 ton Stone (locked in place). Yet the tomb is opened and empty with the burial cloths! 3.The Roman Guards who would have been executed for abandoning their post and letting someone get the body!
Easter Changes Everything! The Resurrection also validates three amazing impacts in all of mankind! 1.The Resurrection declares “death” is defeated! This is Christ’s victory over sin and death. You get to enjoy it because He is alive and in the world today! 2.The Resurrection declares we can be free and forgiven of our sin! This is Salvation from the penalty of sins! By exercising your faith you can be changed. Take a step toward Jesus and ask Him to become your Savior!
Easter Changes Everything! The Resurrection also validates three amazing impacts in our lives and all of mankind! 3.The Resurrection declares that everything Jesus said and therefore is written about Him is True! This is the Inspiration and Inerrancy of the Bible as it was written! This means you can truly trust the Bible!
Easter Changes Everything! The Resurrection Changes everything in time, history, nations, great persons, and even your very existence. What does this mean to you… 1.God really loves you and wants you to live at peace, in this life, and with Him forever. John 3:16 2.Your sin separates you from God! Isaiah 59:2
Easter Changes Everything! 3.God has provided a way for you and me! Romans 5:8 Acts 4:12 4.You are able to receive eternal life today by and through Jesus Christ as your Savior. John 14:1 5.In receiving Jesus Christ, no one who asks is ever turned away… you also receive an infilling and impartation of His Holy Spirit. John 1:12 I have asked Jesus to be Savior/Lord in my life. Will you? He will truly impact your life right now!
Easter Changes Everything! Easter will change you forever! Easter Blessings from Hopewell!