The Apostles’ Creed A Guide to the Ancient Statement of Faith Session 4: What Did Jesus Do?
What Did Jesus Do? Define the following: JusticePunishmentPardon AcquittalRestitution Which of these words best describes what Jesus’ actions accomplished for us on the cross? Explain. Option 1
What Did Jesus Do? When you are suffering, do you wonder if you have done something for which you deserve to be punished? If you commit a crime, and the person against whom the crime was committed decides to forgive you, is it fair to still be punished for the crime? Why, or why not? What’s the difference between punishment and suffering? Or punishment and restitution? How about restitution and pardon? Option 2
Jesus: Suffering Savior, Risen Lord 1 Corinthians 15:1-8, Why does Paul make such a point of the fact that Jesus died and was buried? Why does Paul emphasize that so many saw Jesus after He rose from the dead? Why does Paul argue that our faith is futile if Jesus was not raised from the dead? What difference would it make to our salvation if Jesus only seemed to die on the cross?
1 Corinthians 15:19: “If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are of all people most to be pitied.” If we have hope for a future that cannot be fulfilled, we are indeed to be pitied.
Life in Christ “The decisive struggle was at the cross, and on the surface it appeared that Jesus had lost and the enemy had won. ‘On the third day,’ however, the true outcome of the battle was revealed... Salvation did not have to wait until the end of the age but was available in the here and now.” (H. Ray Dunning) In what way is salvation present in our lives here and now? In what way will salvation be ours in the life to come?