The Five Themes of Geography Location Place Movement Region Human-Environment Interaction
Location Position of a certain place, such as a mountain or a city, on the earth’s surface A place’s location can be defined in two ways 1.Relative Location 2.Absolute Location
Relative Location Where is the place located in relation to other places? Minnesota can be defined as being west of Wisconsin
Absolute Location The places position on the globe!!! Atlanta, Georgia is located at 34 degrees N. Latitude & 84 degrees W. Longitude
Place Physical or human characteristics that make a certain area on the earth’s surface different from all other areas Places have unique physical characteristics, including landforms, vegetation, and climate. Places also have unique human characteristics such as languages, customs, and beliefs.
Movement Contact that people in one area have with people in other areas through activities such as trade, migration and travel, or communication Chicago, IL is known as having one of the busiest airports in the world (O’Hare International Airport). O’Hare International Airport
Region An area where at least one common physical characteristic is shared. Mexico is considered to be part of North America, yet Mexico is usually linked to South & Central America because of it’s Spanish Influence.
Human-Environment Interaction How people use an influence their natural surroundings How people’s natural surroundings influence them Some changes are intentional and others are accidental (Global Warming & Road Construction) Picture of a Forest Damaged by Acid Rain