Assessment & Treatment
Functions of Skeletal System Support and Protect the body Bone marrow produces red blood cells Add platform for all muscles and other connective tissues to attach
Common Injuries Fractures Open Closed Dislocations Sprains Stretching and tearing of ligaments Strains Overexertion of muscle
Treatment Ensure ABCs and any life threatening injuries are addressed C-Spine precautions Splinting Application of ice for BLS and pain management for ALS
Splinting In unstable patients use LSB to splint entire body and load and go For individual injuries, splint to the joint above and below the injury Nearly any item can be used, from pillows to commercial devices Ensure Pulse, Motor, Sensory are in place before and after splinting
Long Spine Board Effective for full body immobilization Use for CPR Standing Takedowns Pedi-A-Line LSB Benefit of Spider strapping system
Hare Traction Splint Used to realign femur, reduces pain Must have stable pelvis and stable ankle Additionally must not have any knee injury pain or deformity Do not exceed 15 pounds of pull force
Conclusion Musculoskeletal Injuries may be the most gruesome that EMS providers will see They may not be the most life threatening injury with the patient Weigh time it takes to apply splints with benefit of driving to the hospital